Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"What You Gettin'?"

So I'm going to start a weekly post w/in the blog here on Tuesdays called (see above haha) where I go over a few books I'm looking forward to.  Feel free to comment w/ what you are drooling over or yell at me for my picks. :) This week is the trial period so to speak.  That being the case, I will keep it kinda short and Marvel centric. SPOILERS MAY FOLLOW!!!

1. Amazing X-Men #2
Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
If you can't tell by the cover art, NIGHTCRAWLER IS BACK.  Well, kinda.  He's still technically dead.  However Wolverine and Northstar have gotten sucked into "Heaven"?  The story so far is centering on Kurt's (Nightcrawler's given name) Dad Azazel, yes the guy from X-Men First Class, charging headfirst into paradise to wreak havoc.   This book is awesome for a couple of reasons.   One, Nightcrawler.  Nuff' said right?  Two, the return of Firestar.  If you're a child of the 80's/90's VHS Marvel cartoons, you'll know how special it is to see her and Ice-man reunited.  And don't get me wrong, there are other reasons to get amped for this book but those two specifically are cause for confetti.  Jason Aaron has worked wonders on his other ensemble X title so I expect he'll keep the momentum going with this one.  Ed McGuinness is always a treat as well.  Dude knows how to pace a page.  Any who, on to the next one...

2. Inhumanity #1
Matt Kindt, Paul Davidson
So not too many casual comic fans know a lot about the Inhumans.  Most people know about Medusa; lady with big hair, Lockjaw; giant teleporting dog and Blackbolt; King of Inhumans/guy who always has to use his six inch voice.  Well, Matt Fraction, the man responsible for turning Hawkeye (Hawkguy if ya nasty) into a MUST BUY and Paul Davidson (He draws Nova reeeeealy well) are out to change the level of awareness. Just in case you're unaware, during the latest Marvel wide event, Invasion, Blackbolt and Maximus the Mad set off a bomb on earth that unlocked the hidden ability in certain people to be an Inhuman.  It's kind of like being a mutant but has the added bonus of a hierarchy.  Plus, any book I can read with Karnak is a plus.  His ability is to see the weak point in any person or structure. AND HE KNOWS MARTIAL ARTS. Haha.  Just me? Whatevs. NEXT!...
3. Uncanny Avengers #15
Rick Remender, Steve McNiven
Uncanny Avengers is supposed to be the attempt of Humans (Avengers((discounting Thor)) and Mutants coming together to show unity in the public eye.  So far they've already gotten Pwned by a Xavier powered Red Skull, dealt with team issues (Rogue and Scarlett Witch are totes tiffing) and had to deal with the "Apocalypse Twins"; the spawn of Archangel.  This book has already had beautiful panels done by John Cassaday, Daniel Acuna and Salvador Larroca.  Now Steve McNiven?! Shut up. Take my money. And spend it unwisely.  Not to mention that Rick Remender is carrying on the seeds he planted years ago in his X-force story lines.  The big ticket for this issue is that last week, in #14, it appears that Rogue, Scarlett Witch and Wonder Man all bit the dust.  Being that this current story is heavily rooted in time travel, I don't know how much of this will stick.  Either way, hold on to your butts.

Welp! That does it for me ranting your eyes off this week.  Come back often and leave your two cents with us!


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