Saturday, December 7, 2013

The VGA's Oh excuse me the VGX's are once again upon us!!!!

So the VGX fka the VGA's is having its 10th annual award show. Now usually I don't give two Sh$#@ about this award show due to its campiness and terrible host's (besides Sam Jackson). I feel that I am among the many who watch this garbage award show just for the exclusive reveals (its like a mini E3) and hold my vomit until the end just to see a glimpse of what the future of gaming will bring. This year is said to be the biggest year in reveals according to all the rumors flying around the interwebs(I feel this is due to the next gen of gaming being here now). So without further delay. My top 5 wishes for the VGX awards.

1.Next Gen Tomb Raider
tomb raider

For those of you who passed on the reboot of The latest installment of the Tomb Raider franchise do yourself a favor go get the game...Which is probably 20 bucks used currently and play through it. The story telling in this game was captivating the gameplay amazing and the new tomb raider well I think I like a real to life Lara Croft over a fake big breasted bimbo and on the PS4/Xbox1 the game will hopefully blow our minds.

2. Ni No Kuni Pt. 2
This is game reminded you what JRPGs are all about. We all remember our first JRPG. (Mine was FF7 Unless you count Super Mario RPG but we will get to that later) Ni No Kuni had everything. Monster hunting/training ala Pokemon style, Great Story, Amazing Imagery challenging puzzles and extras galore. I haven't felt this good playing a JRPG since Xenogears...The game sold over 1.2 million copies which is unheard of for this genre nowadays...Blame that on the FPS genre taking over (mindless gaming) So a sequel could be in the cards. Fingers Crossed. 

3. Super Mario RPG 2
Which brings me to my next hopeful reveal. For those of you that are old enough to remember this game it was out of the box for Nintendo at the time and was a breath of fresh air next to all the super mario worlds/Yoshi games and Donkey Kong Countrys. Nintendo teamed up with Square-Soft (now Square-Enix) to make something that for those who played it cannot forget. Ever since this game came out I have been dreaming of a sequel and before you all open your mouth. Super Paper Mario does not count and spit on the memory of Super Mario RPG that Nintendo even said they were related. the Mario & Luigi games  on the DS are close but not enough to quench my thirst for a real RPG extravaganza. Now it is public knowledge that Reggie Fil Aime himself will be at the VGX awards to announce a new game for the WiiU. I am reaching but I hope Nintendo teams up with Square again to make magic. This would make me drop 250 on a WiiU immediately. If they announce WiiU music II or something else that is stupid and not needed (Nintendo is known for consistent shovelware now) consider me done with my first game console love Nintendo....

4. Fallout 4

War....War never changes, however the Fallout 4 rumors do change.  A few weeks ago a teaser site went up that everyone assumed was fallout related. Bethesda has since stated said that site is not theirs and that they have no upcoming fallout news or reveals in store for its fans. Yeah sure you and every other company who has fed us the same lines just to reveal the game like your some kinda smooth criminal. Your fans want it, Your fans need it and most importantly Bethesda your fans will pay for it...Me being one of them...So bring me more of that bobblehead hunting, snowglobe grabbing vault survivor awesomeness....

5.Star Wars 1313 (Re-Titled and using Frostbite engine)

Star wars 1313 was shown off at E3 2012 to much applause and fan excitement. A short time after that Disney acquired lucasfilm and all properties that belong to that banner. When this acquisition went down. Disney decided to be major dicks and cancel the title along with any other projects lucasarts team was working on. The gaming community that was anxious for this game as well as star wars enthusiast were enraged and showed there hatred on the wonderful interwebs...As they should have... but months later a glimmer of the form of everyone's most hated gaming studio EA announced that they would be taking over all star wars titles/projects for the foreseeable future. 
They then went on to say that they had  a few projects in development scattered across their various in house studios..I.E. Visceral, Dice, ETC. At E3 2013 we were treated to a teaser for a new star wars battlefront game. (not being released until 2015 though..SAD FACE)...Now that's all fine and dandy but shortly after that we started to see concept art every other month for a game that we were all told was cancelled! Now why waste your time telling us a game was cancelled but show us the most tantalizing screenshots of said game that people wanted but now cannot have???? My theory is that the assets for this game were and are still alive...The graphics engine, early stage work and storyboards/concept art are sitting on the desk of a Visceral employee's desk who is hard at work tweaking 1313 to be re-branded and shown off in all its next gen glory at this years VGX's. My lightsabers stay crossed to see a re-emergence of this title and yours should be crossed too. 

Feel free to leave your comments below and let us know what you would like to see this year at the VGX awards...

-Shawn Michael

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