Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Top 10 PS3 Games of all Time

Don't let the fresh kicks fool you. I am a console gamer to my core. I thought I'd put out something short and sweet for those of you who either chose sides last generation or couldn't afford a ps3 until now. Either way this generation is long gone so I am going to highlight some of the best there is on this system. 

Again these are my opinions and may not reflect how everyone else feels.

10. Demon's Souls

In at number 10 it’s Demon’s Souls. It’s not even fair how hard this game was. It was more than likely the reason some people passed on it in the first place. But, beyond the brutal difficulty it’s a fun exciting adventure that keeps you coming back for more. And if your patient and brave enough you’ll eventually beat it.

09. Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time

3d platforming fun at its finest! I for whatever reason don’t normally play these games but it somehow made its way into my ps3 and my heart. I will admit it plays it safe as far as the story and difficulty go but it is one of the most well rounded 3d plat-former's this gen.

08. Infamous Series

This game has an awesome comic-esque narrative with super-hero parkour game-play. They definitely were thinking outside the box for these sandbox adventure games and it payed off extremely well. I played these games so much I got motion sickness from the camera shifting around so much (true story). I think the most gripping feature it offers outside of your abilities earned is the option to choose whether you are going to be the evil/anti-hero or a full blown white knight. With tons of replay value and a huge city to play in, you need to at least get the first game if you haven’t played it yet.

07. Little Big Planet Series

I never thought a game could make me feel like a kid again. Not the awkward puberty stages but a much simpler time when I would play Sonic the hedgehog or Super Mario world for hours on end. This is a game that is so fucking cute that I want to strangle a kitten during a tea party in a princess playhouse. Have you seen Sackboy? Did you know you could dress him up in outfits? Did you know you could decorate his house? Pure pink sugary goodness is what this game is like fresh carnival cotton candy. Now all that cute stuff aside what you have is a challenging well thought out 2 1/2d Platformer with some simple yet unique puzzles. Beyond the single player campaign is a giant community of developers that can create levels as far as their imaginations can take them. You can literally make any level you want. There is a Zelda level that even has the music on a very impressive level of creativity. This game could have been the new Mario but it wasn't promoted as such. Either way get this if you haven’t played it yet, your inner child will thank you.

06. Journey

An indie game so well done it bankrupted the company creating it. This is an adventure that goes beyond what words can convey (there aren’t any). It tells a story that the player can make what they want of it. I truly loved this short adventure and was so glad the gaming world embraced this little indie game with such high regard.

05. God of War 3

This is a game you need to play on the hardest difficulty for the sheer excitement it brings beating the life out of gods. Almost immediately in playing the game you get to your first boss fight against Poseidon (see pic above).  Look at how little Kratos is. You see him way down there by Poseidon's aqua crotch? This is by far my favorite boss fight of all time. My testosterone levels were at an all-time high when I beat this fucker on the highest difficulty.  This is the definitive GOW game so please forget that ascension was even made. Get this game and get ready for good, puzzling, button-mashing fun with some of the best boss fights in existence.

04. Ni No Kuni

JRPG’s came back in full force with this one ladies and gents. This game is beautiful from start to finish thank’s to the supreme Japanese anime company studio Ghibli. It has a story we ultimately can all relate to, character’s that we genuinely like and gameplay we have been waiting for this entire generation. And that Score, my god it sounds so enchanting. Let me give you an idea how good this game is. My wife (Borat Voice) is not a gamer. She will sometimes sit next to me when I play story driven games to pick up on what’s going on, but that’s truly the extent of her gaming life other than some ios free-to-plays, console puzzlers and the occasional Tell-tale game (Back to the future, walking dead). She actually played this game and would refuse to pass the controller on several occasions. I would be woken up the soundbar in my living room going off at 5 am to that sweet score I mentioned before. This game transcends lifestyles people. Have this in your collection or don’t call yourself an RPG fan.

03. Metal Gear Solid 4

I had been waiting on this game for so long. While the storyline pales in comparison to MGS3 it is a perfect ending to solid snakes storyline. The cut scenes are long and compelling, The graphics were at the time the most impressive use of the PS3 hardware and the action was straight out of Hollywood. Kojima is definitely the GOAT when it comes to stealth action adventure gaming, hell he friggin invented the genre. Now that being said, in my opinion this game is a testament to gaming as cinema overall. You could sit and watch this entire thing unfold without playing and enjoy the ride. I personally cant what to see what Kojima gives us next gen.

02. Uncharted Series

Who knew this game would take off like it did (besides me). Hollywood storytelling mixed with fast paced action unfolded into my favorite franchise since Metal Gear. Nathan Drake is quite possibly the most well rounded gaming character ever and the cast of these games is always top notch.  The best way I can describe it is Tomb Raider meets Indiana Jones. It is the definitive action adventure game and should be used as the building block for any new franchise.  

01.   The last of Us

You already knew this was going here. This game deserves every trophy, award and nomination you can throw at it. This gripping story captivates you from beginning to end. It never fails in thrills, fights or emotions. I usually don’t give a shit about people I play with in gaming and most of the time any NPC that you have to take care of is a nuisance. Not here. I cared about ellie’s survival . She was so well done you didn’t think of her as an NPC and more of an extension of Joel (Main character). There were so many spots in this game that caused heart pumping thrills that I thought they were endings but, No the game marched on until you have and ending that feels so…open…and yet so complete. Naughty Dog has a lot to live up to. Here’s hoping for greatness.

- LeMar G.

1 comment:

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