Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Favorite Things of 2013

My Favorite things of 2013

Every year Oprah does her favorite things of (Insert Year) but they usually don't have anything to do with nerd culture, but that's not how we get down here in the realm of ONCJME. So without further ado I give you Shawn Michael's favorite things of 2013. Sorry guys there will be no free cars at the end... :(

1.Naughty Dogs Evolution Into The Adult Storytelling Realm. 
The company that brought us classic childhood greats like Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter stepped their game up in years past with a little known title called Uncharted, but on June 14th, 2013 they stepped away from Nathan Drake and crew to give us something that is and was just plain Magical. The Last of Us. *Spoiler Alert* 

In the beginning of this story you find yourself in the shoes of Joel's daughter searching around their home for her father. In the moments that pass craziness ensues and we come to find out that the city is under siege by what we found out later to be "The Infected". While trying to flee the city things escalate quickly and end with Joel holding his dead daughter (Sarah) in his arms...Thanks to an A-hole government agent to scared to make his own life decisions and fires on innocents. This ladies and gentlemen was the first time a video game had me in tears. I turned to my wife to see that she also had tears falling from her eyes (Keep in mind this is a video game)...This is when I knew. This game will forever be engraved in my heart. 

The game then jumps a few years into the future where man is on the brink of extinction. Joel and his partner Tess are searching for a supply of guns that belong to them that are being held on to by a local thug. 1 thing leads to another and Joel ends up taking on a task for the fireflies leader Marlene that introduces our protagonist to Ellie. Everything from that point on continues to be Epic. We loose Tess to an infected bite. She then goes out like a gangster to give Ellie and Joel some time to escape from mercenaries/crazy folks. We see Joel's long lost brother as a leader in a community he built from the ground up and eventually learn that Ellie is the cure to all humanity. The game closes with Joel sacrificing humanity to keep Ellie alive because through all their trials together he has found a new daughter in Ellie and his mind is saying FTW..

In closing if you have not played The last of us play it. (even if you read the spoilers) Even if you don't own a PS3 buy the game just to support naughty dog...Its just that good. 

2. The Gospel Hip-Hop Takeover.


I was hollering Romans 1:16 before Lecrae became a household name. Who would have thought that a down-south Christian rapper would win a Grammy for his hard work and dedication to the mission of using what we call hip-hop as a catalyst to spread the message of Christ and following a bigger purpose.

I know we all have a piece in our heart for hip-hop my first journey into this genre was Biggie's ready to die. After that I was hooked. grabbing every hip hop album I could find on the shelf. Eventually my passion drove me to start writing lyrics myself going by the stage name "Shawn Juan" a nickname given to me by friends.At first I was just playing around recording over other peoples beats with a group I was a part of "Absalut Family".Later I started up a small record label Snowtown records that for unforeseen reason's destroyed itself. Giving up my dream and no longer rapping at all I started hating what Hip-Hop was becoming. 

No longer was it about substance or value but how many times you can Rhyme the word Nigga, or how many fake people you can kill in your lyrics and if it wasn't about that it was a constant reminder of how rich the rapper was and the things they have that you can never obtain. Saddened by the state of hip-hop I left it alone and exclusively listened to R&B or Rock (Linkin Park mostly or old Nirvana albums)

But then in 2004 I started going to a new church. My youth pastor at the time was a rapper. I thought this was a crazy notion because growing up God and Rap didn't seem like they went together. I went to a few of his shows and was really feeling the positive message's as well as the encouragement it gave the youth. Years later I found out that there were many local MN artist that fell into this genre. My hunger grew for more and in 2010 on a visit to NC my homeboy popped in an Album (Rebel) and asked me one question 
         " Have you ever heard of Lecrae?" I shook my head no. He then turned the volume all the way up and allowed his subs to bang so hard that the concrete beneath us shook. Every song got better, every track had a great message that wasn't the norm and Lecrae was a dude from the hood just like me who found Christ and used his talent to grow the minds of people instead of poison them with the norm. My obsession started! As soon as I got back to MN I grew my collection. Not just with Lecrae albums but Trip Lee, Sho Baraka, Tedashii, Da Truth, Canon, Andy Mineo and Pro (now known as Derek Minor) to name a few. In short this is a genre that went from corny raps.. (ECW was my first christian hip hop tape back in the 90's you can imagine the corn-ballness but can respect what they tried to do) to solid beat banging, lyric spittin, positive vibe music. I am glad that these fellas were able to make their own lane and claim a slice of hip hop for the King. They have encouraged me to change how I rap and I hope to one day post some new content from myself for you to vibe to. 

Please don't let the christian moniker scare you  ( I know theirs a lot of fakes out there.) These artist have something to offer that you may like! So take a leap of faith, try something different and get familiar with the movement. 

3. Sci-Fi Making A Comeback

We live in a day and age where the Sci-fi film is pushed to the corner like a red headed step child. I remember when I was growing up that almost every other film that dropped was a Sci-fi action or horror flick. We got our greatest in the late 80's early 90's ( I will leave that to you the READER to decide what films are greats during that time.) But nowadays we are hit with a barrage of sappy love films, dramas that you can wait for them to drop on Netflix or everyone trying their hand at the super hero genre...(thank The Avengers success for this) but when it comes to Sci-fi you were waiting for one good film (to be released in theaters) and maybe if you were lucky you would get an original IP that wasn't a terrible remake that made you cry at its terribleness. 
Well in 2013 that seemed to change. We got great films like Pacific Rim, the next installment in the star trek trilogy and my personal favorite Elysium. These movies paid homage to the Sci-fi films of old by showing us worlds that have not yet come but will come in the future and that's what Sci-fi is all about. Future tech, cool stuff that you wish you could get your hands on but is only available via your imagination. I remember the first time I saw the replicator in star trek and wished I had that.. Or that pimp machine handgun that Robocop had  in all his films...Of course my personal favorite the Lightsaber because who doesn't want that right. 
These above films (and others that dropped this year) reached deep down into that inner kid that sat and drooled at the Sci-fi films of old and made me have hope for the Sci-fi future. I believe we have a lot to look forward to in this genre in the years to come and cant wait to experience all the Sci-fi goodness with all of you. 

4. Next-Gen Consoles Launching

This year us gamers got a special treat. 2 New systems... This launch marked the 8th generation in gaming. With the PS4 dropping on Nov 19th and the Xbox One dropping on Nov22nd. The build up and anticipation for these systems started some time ago with rumors and patents flying around on the regular, but when we all got our first glimpse of these system and what they could do most of mouths dropped. Unless at the time of announcement you were the Xbox One....I wont go into details of the total debacle that was the 1st announcement of the X1 and its terrible DRM implemented system set the world ablaze with animated GIFs  to show who everyone thought was winning the next gen battle at the current moment.

 Microsoft has since gotten rid of the terrible ideas that once plagued this system and for once a major billion dollar company listened to the voice that was the mighty consumer (because money talks and BS walks)

I hopped on the PS4 train way before the issues were even mentioned simply due to the fact that it was cheaper 400 dollars compared to 500 and its the system I grew up with. I am not a fanboy just a guy who has a lot of mouths to feed. I will eventually get an Xbox one because " I am a gamer and I need to have every new system to feel complete" and you should too. I never understood the fanboy mind state and the rage that comes with it. Enjoy something because you enjoy something and don't hate on folks that don't like the same thing as you because that's what makes us individuals and yeah we can all be a little biased sometimes but in the realm of gaming "cant we all just get along?" ...but enough of that...back to the show.

Since then both systems have gone on to sell 2 million units in the short time they have come out and the demand is keeping both companies on their toes to meet the customers need to have these next gen controllers in their hands. The exciting thing about the news of these systems selling the way that they simply means one thing. GAMES we will get them eventually and probably faster than any of us thought we would. Most developers should see the prospect of offering new IP's to the world because hey when you have two systems that have 2-3 exclusive games between them who isn't going to take a chance on that new game that looks great and hopefully plays just as great sitting on the shelf next to call of duty 29 and 1/2. My hopes for this new generation of gaming are high from the small teasers we have seen next years games looks to make the last generation feel like super famicom and I welcome it with open arms and empty wallets. 

*If anyone wants to hook us up with an Xbox One so we can bask in its glory with you feel free to reach out to the group*

5. Almost Human And Its Amazing Greatness

This show is the best thing to happen to TV in 2013 period. The actors/actresses involved are phenomenal. The production quality is million dollar movie budget epic (Every episode I may add). This is one of those shows my wife and I refer to as "get the kids in bed" shows. You want complete and total silence and no outside interference while you watch this show because you don't want to miss a single moment or a quick quip from our protagonist John Kennex or a snarky response from his partner/android-human hybrid Dorian.

I wont spoil any plot details about the show I will just say watch it and enjoy the film like quality in every episode. A few shows can definitely take notes from Almost Human (Agents of Shield I am looking at you)
and I will continue to watch the show just to show my support. 

So if your not watching Almost Human. What is your life about?  

6. Starting the Only Nerds Can Judge Me Podcast/Blog

Now before you ask I don't know who would be the master splinter of our 5 man group and I am sure Jay and I would fight for the rights to who is Donny but currently we have no group pic of the squad. (coming soon)

This podcast was created by joking around one day in the office. We threw a few group names out their but Mikes "Only Nerds Can Judge Me" idea ran true with all of us. It had a taste of 2pac with a side of nerd and I like it. We now are in the process of working out the kinks as we go along but that is part of the fun and the process to become podcast greats. We all have something to offer in every category around the spectrum of nerd and hope to continue or journey together and with you. Look forward to our growth and development as a team. We will try our best to bring something for everyone to enjoy adding things along the way. In 2014 I hope we can bring you great reviews, news and just plain old fun from the ONCJME crew. Let us know what you think we can change and what areas we can develop. This is our baby and like an actual child we will nurture it until it grows to be a human being we can all be proud of. Hopefully some things that we can work and you all as listeners/readers can look forward to. Theme music for the podcast. Interviews with people in all industries... Smooth Mcgroove (video game acapella genius), Jessica Nigri (the cosplay queen) are hopefuls in my mind and live podcast just to name a few. 

So take our hand and walk on this journey of greatness with us. I promise we wont let you down. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Gal Gadot to Bulk up for WW

Sooooooooo, all the people complaining about "Giselle can't possibly be wonder woman...) can relax.  Per translation via Batman-News, Gadot had to comment on the criticism that she has too slender a physique for the role: "I represent the Wonder Woman of the new world. Breasts… anyone can buy for 9,000 shekels and everything is fine. By the way, Wonder Woman is Amazonian, and historically accurate Amazonian women actually had only one breast. So, if I’d really go 'by the book'…it’d be problematic."

My argument is this... You CANNOT grow a different frame.  HIPS cannot be altered in such a way to convey that Amazonian shape.  I'm over this stuff though.  For the new year I'm gonna try...try... to embrace the "View then Review" lifestyle.  So what do you guys think?  Should we chill and just wait to see her new and improved buff form?  Hit us up and let us know what you think!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Top 10 PS3 Games of all Time

Don't let the fresh kicks fool you. I am a console gamer to my core. I thought I'd put out something short and sweet for those of you who either chose sides last generation or couldn't afford a ps3 until now. Either way this generation is long gone so I am going to highlight some of the best there is on this system. 

Again these are my opinions and may not reflect how everyone else feels.

10. Demon's Souls

In at number 10 it’s Demon’s Souls. It’s not even fair how hard this game was. It was more than likely the reason some people passed on it in the first place. But, beyond the brutal difficulty it’s a fun exciting adventure that keeps you coming back for more. And if your patient and brave enough you’ll eventually beat it.

09. Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time

3d platforming fun at its finest! I for whatever reason don’t normally play these games but it somehow made its way into my ps3 and my heart. I will admit it plays it safe as far as the story and difficulty go but it is one of the most well rounded 3d plat-former's this gen.

08. Infamous Series

This game has an awesome comic-esque narrative with super-hero parkour game-play. They definitely were thinking outside the box for these sandbox adventure games and it payed off extremely well. I played these games so much I got motion sickness from the camera shifting around so much (true story). I think the most gripping feature it offers outside of your abilities earned is the option to choose whether you are going to be the evil/anti-hero or a full blown white knight. With tons of replay value and a huge city to play in, you need to at least get the first game if you haven’t played it yet.

07. Little Big Planet Series

I never thought a game could make me feel like a kid again. Not the awkward puberty stages but a much simpler time when I would play Sonic the hedgehog or Super Mario world for hours on end. This is a game that is so fucking cute that I want to strangle a kitten during a tea party in a princess playhouse. Have you seen Sackboy? Did you know you could dress him up in outfits? Did you know you could decorate his house? Pure pink sugary goodness is what this game is like fresh carnival cotton candy. Now all that cute stuff aside what you have is a challenging well thought out 2 1/2d Platformer with some simple yet unique puzzles. Beyond the single player campaign is a giant community of developers that can create levels as far as their imaginations can take them. You can literally make any level you want. There is a Zelda level that even has the music on a very impressive level of creativity. This game could have been the new Mario but it wasn't promoted as such. Either way get this if you haven’t played it yet, your inner child will thank you.

06. Journey

An indie game so well done it bankrupted the company creating it. This is an adventure that goes beyond what words can convey (there aren’t any). It tells a story that the player can make what they want of it. I truly loved this short adventure and was so glad the gaming world embraced this little indie game with such high regard.

05. God of War 3

This is a game you need to play on the hardest difficulty for the sheer excitement it brings beating the life out of gods. Almost immediately in playing the game you get to your first boss fight against Poseidon (see pic above).  Look at how little Kratos is. You see him way down there by Poseidon's aqua crotch? This is by far my favorite boss fight of all time. My testosterone levels were at an all-time high when I beat this fucker on the highest difficulty.  This is the definitive GOW game so please forget that ascension was even made. Get this game and get ready for good, puzzling, button-mashing fun with some of the best boss fights in existence.

04. Ni No Kuni

JRPG’s came back in full force with this one ladies and gents. This game is beautiful from start to finish thank’s to the supreme Japanese anime company studio Ghibli. It has a story we ultimately can all relate to, character’s that we genuinely like and gameplay we have been waiting for this entire generation. And that Score, my god it sounds so enchanting. Let me give you an idea how good this game is. My wife (Borat Voice) is not a gamer. She will sometimes sit next to me when I play story driven games to pick up on what’s going on, but that’s truly the extent of her gaming life other than some ios free-to-plays, console puzzlers and the occasional Tell-tale game (Back to the future, walking dead). She actually played this game and would refuse to pass the controller on several occasions. I would be woken up the soundbar in my living room going off at 5 am to that sweet score I mentioned before. This game transcends lifestyles people. Have this in your collection or don’t call yourself an RPG fan.

03. Metal Gear Solid 4

I had been waiting on this game for so long. While the storyline pales in comparison to MGS3 it is a perfect ending to solid snakes storyline. The cut scenes are long and compelling, The graphics were at the time the most impressive use of the PS3 hardware and the action was straight out of Hollywood. Kojima is definitely the GOAT when it comes to stealth action adventure gaming, hell he friggin invented the genre. Now that being said, in my opinion this game is a testament to gaming as cinema overall. You could sit and watch this entire thing unfold without playing and enjoy the ride. I personally cant what to see what Kojima gives us next gen.

02. Uncharted Series

Who knew this game would take off like it did (besides me). Hollywood storytelling mixed with fast paced action unfolded into my favorite franchise since Metal Gear. Nathan Drake is quite possibly the most well rounded gaming character ever and the cast of these games is always top notch.  The best way I can describe it is Tomb Raider meets Indiana Jones. It is the definitive action adventure game and should be used as the building block for any new franchise.  

01.   The last of Us

You already knew this was going here. This game deserves every trophy, award and nomination you can throw at it. This gripping story captivates you from beginning to end. It never fails in thrills, fights or emotions. I usually don’t give a shit about people I play with in gaming and most of the time any NPC that you have to take care of is a nuisance. Not here. I cared about ellie’s survival . She was so well done you didn’t think of her as an NPC and more of an extension of Joel (Main character). There were so many spots in this game that caused heart pumping thrills that I thought they were endings but, No the game marched on until you have and ending that feels so…open…and yet so complete. Naughty Dog has a lot to live up to. Here’s hoping for greatness.

- LeMar G.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The VGA's Oh excuse me the VGX's are once again upon us!!!!

So the VGX fka the VGA's is having its 10th annual award show. Now usually I don't give two Sh$#@ about this award show due to its campiness and terrible host's (besides Sam Jackson). I feel that I am among the many who watch this garbage award show just for the exclusive reveals (its like a mini E3) and hold my vomit until the end just to see a glimpse of what the future of gaming will bring. This year is said to be the biggest year in reveals according to all the rumors flying around the interwebs(I feel this is due to the next gen of gaming being here now). So without further delay. My top 5 wishes for the VGX awards.

1.Next Gen Tomb Raider
tomb raider

For those of you who passed on the reboot of The latest installment of the Tomb Raider franchise do yourself a favor go get the game...Which is probably 20 bucks used currently and play through it. The story telling in this game was captivating the gameplay amazing and the new tomb raider well I think I like a real to life Lara Croft over a fake big breasted bimbo and on the PS4/Xbox1 the game will hopefully blow our minds.

2. Ni No Kuni Pt. 2
This is game reminded you what JRPGs are all about. We all remember our first JRPG. (Mine was FF7 Unless you count Super Mario RPG but we will get to that later) Ni No Kuni had everything. Monster hunting/training ala Pokemon style, Great Story, Amazing Imagery challenging puzzles and extras galore. I haven't felt this good playing a JRPG since Xenogears...The game sold over 1.2 million copies which is unheard of for this genre nowadays...Blame that on the FPS genre taking over (mindless gaming) So a sequel could be in the cards. Fingers Crossed. 

3. Super Mario RPG 2
Which brings me to my next hopeful reveal. For those of you that are old enough to remember this game it was out of the box for Nintendo at the time and was a breath of fresh air next to all the super mario worlds/Yoshi games and Donkey Kong Countrys. Nintendo teamed up with Square-Soft (now Square-Enix) to make something that for those who played it cannot forget. Ever since this game came out I have been dreaming of a sequel and before you all open your mouth. Super Paper Mario does not count and spit on the memory of Super Mario RPG that Nintendo even said they were related. the Mario & Luigi games  on the DS are close but not enough to quench my thirst for a real RPG extravaganza. Now it is public knowledge that Reggie Fil Aime himself will be at the VGX awards to announce a new game for the WiiU. I am reaching but I hope Nintendo teams up with Square again to make magic. This would make me drop 250 on a WiiU immediately. If they announce WiiU music II or something else that is stupid and not needed (Nintendo is known for consistent shovelware now) consider me done with my first game console love Nintendo....

4. Fallout 4

War....War never changes, however the Fallout 4 rumors do change.  A few weeks ago a teaser site went up that everyone assumed was fallout related. Bethesda has since stated said that site is not theirs and that they have no upcoming fallout news or reveals in store for its fans. Yeah sure you and every other company who has fed us the same lines just to reveal the game like your some kinda smooth criminal. Your fans want it, Your fans need it and most importantly Bethesda your fans will pay for it...Me being one of them...So bring me more of that bobblehead hunting, snowglobe grabbing vault survivor awesomeness....

5.Star Wars 1313 (Re-Titled and using Frostbite engine)

Star wars 1313 was shown off at E3 2012 to much applause and fan excitement. A short time after that Disney acquired lucasfilm and all properties that belong to that banner. When this acquisition went down. Disney decided to be major dicks and cancel the title along with any other projects lucasarts team was working on. The gaming community that was anxious for this game as well as star wars enthusiast were enraged and showed there hatred on the wonderful interwebs...As they should have... but months later a glimmer of hope...in the form of everyone's most hated gaming studio EA announced that they would be taking over all star wars titles/projects for the foreseeable future. 
They then went on to say that they had  a few projects in development scattered across their various in house studios..I.E. Visceral, Dice, ETC. At E3 2013 we were treated to a teaser for a new star wars battlefront game. (not being released until 2015 though..SAD FACE)...Now that's all fine and dandy but shortly after that we started to see concept art every other month for a game that we were all told was cancelled! Now why waste your time telling us a game was cancelled but show us the most tantalizing screenshots of said game that people wanted but now cannot have???? My theory is that the assets for this game were and are still alive...The graphics engine, early stage work and storyboards/concept art are sitting on the desk of a Visceral employee's desk who is hard at work tweaking 1313 to be re-branded and shown off in all its next gen glory at this years VGX's. My lightsabers stay crossed to see a re-emergence of this title and yours should be crossed too. 

Feel free to leave your comments below and let us know what you would like to see this year at the VGX awards...

-Shawn Michael

Friday, December 6, 2013

LeMar G's Game of the Year Picks

Oh it's that time of year peeps. It's been an amazing year for gaming and as usual we saw some of the best software of all time come as swan songs to our favorite consoles. Although I have moved on to the PS4, my PS3 is in my bedroom and still gets ton of attention thanks to PS+. But wow this has been one of my favorite generations of gaming ever and I am sad to see it go. Here are my picks for GOTY: 

The views below to do not necessarily reflect everyone elses opinion on this Blog. 
Reader discretion is advised.

GAME OF THE YEAR - The Last of Us

This is story telling at its finest. This game singlehandedly transcended gaming story telling and achieved emotions only books, films and art convey. It makes since because this game is art (Don't tell Kojima). If you haven't played this game, please do yourself a favor and make an attempt to. You will not be disappointed. 

BEST SHOOTER – Bioshock Infinite
BEST RPG – Ni No Kuni
BEST DLC – Far Cry: Blood Dragon
BEST VOICE ACTOR – Steven Ogg as Trevor Philips from GTAV
BEST VOICE ACTRESS - Ashley Johnson as Ellie from The Last of Us

- LeMar G.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

UFC Fight Night 33...why you should care

Tomorrow night, 12/6/2013, Fox Sports1 will air UFC Fight Night 33. And I'm to tell you why you should watch.

Both men up to this have been recent contenders until they were stopped short by previous opponents. This however, will truly be a meeting of titans. Marc "Super Samoan" Hunt has been on a tear as of late until he was stopped by Junior dos Santos...a fight that Hunt took on short notice, against a man who seemingly is a perpetual contender within the heavyweight division. So losing here although might hurt, doesn't take much away from Hunts swagger or the fans love of him. For those that don't know, Hunt was a leftover from when UFC purchased the legendary Japanese promotion, Pride. Hunt was offered his wins purses on his remaining contract and was told that he was free to leave the organization if he wanted to. To that, Hunt said "No". He instead chose to fight and earn his place instead. Since then his initial fight in the UFC was a bust...but he has been knocking grown men unconscious, seemingly by accident almost. Basically, he hits hard...like, really hard. For proof of this, PLEASE watch this...


And for further proof, here is the X-ray of the "other guy" when it was all done...

Yeah...that giant gap in the jawline...like whoa.

Basically, Hunt is a textbook striker, heavy handed and he has a style that can lead you into a false sense of security only to put your state of being into another zip code. To which, more than one fighter has fallen.

Which leads us to, Antonio "Bigfoot" Silva. As the name would imply...the man is large and in charge. Silva was also a left over prospect from yet another promotion absorbed by UFC's parent company, Zuffa......Strikeforce. Here is where his name really started to gain steam, and once brought into the UFC fold he has really blossomed, holding wins of Fedor (yes, he was one of the first to beat him), Travis Browne, and his most recent win was over the insanely touted, Alistair Overeem.
For a quick highlight of this, check out...


Silva is huge...like hulk huge. I believe he actually has to have special XXXL gloves made for him if my memory serves correct. His most recent fight however was a loss, for the second time, to the current champ of the division, Cain Velasquez.But again, having the only loss in your most recent string of fights being against the current champ, doesn't take too much away. Although only Silva can say for sure.

So this is just the main event ladies and gentlemen. Other notables would include Rua vs Te Huna, which probably wont go the distance (understatement of the day) and perennial fan favorite, Pat Barry, who can leg kick you into a ambulance.

And last but not least...if there was one and only reason to catch all of these amazing fights, its FREE! Check you local listings for UFC Fight Night 33 on Fox Sports 1. With prelims airing on Fox Sports 2.

Catch ya later fight fans...don't hurt anyone and be safe.

Jay Z's personal ranking of his own Albums
1. Reasonable Doubt (Classic)
2. The Blueprint (Classic)
3. The Black Album (Classic)
4. Vol. 2 (Classic)
5. American Gangster (4 1/2, cohesive)
6. Magna Carta (F***wit, Tom Ford, Oceans, Beach, On the Run, Grail)
7. Vol. 1 (Sunshine kills this album... f***... Streets, Where I'm from, You Must Love Me...)
8. BP3 (Sorry critics, it's good. Empire (Gave Frank a run for his money))
9. Dynasty (Intro alone...)
10. Vol. 3 (Pimp C verse alone... oh, So Ghetto)
11. BP2 (Too many songs. F***ing Guru and Hip Hop, ha)
12. Kingdom Come (First game back, don't shoot me)
I know I'm a day late (but never a dollar short) with my 2 cents on this. Sue me.  :) Anywho, for those of you who didn't know or didn't care, Shawn Carter celebrated his 44th birthday yesterday (December 4th).  He took to his blog, Life+Times, to personally rank each of his solo projects.  Being a fellow Hip Hopper and Huge Jay Z fan myself, I found the listing and brief snippets of introspection on each one a nice added touch.  In my opinion I would rank it a little differently.  The Black album to me is like my blueprint.  The track order, the intro, the outro... man it's glorious.  That being said, the first blueprint is right behind it.  Reasonable Doubt would come in at number three (blasphemy, whatever).  I know I will be hated for this BP3 is 4th for me.  I love the production and the conciseness of it.  Magna Carta would be my number 5 and American Gangster is slotted 6th. Everything else is in it's proper place after that haha.  The only way Kingdom Come isn't ranked last is if we include all his projects in which case Best of Both Worlds (yeuch) is dead effing last.  K, I'm done rambling. 
PS.. I had the honor of attending the Magna Carter (the tour changed it to "Carter") on November 30th.  Spectacular.  The man puts on such a great show.  Also I had great seats by virtue of a good friend (here's lookin' at you Lindsay).  If you can catch this show, please do.  Until next time, IT'S THE ROC!

The Nike Kobe 9 Has Been Revealed + My Thoughts

Press Release:

Nike, the world’s leading basketball brand, today unveiled the much-anticipated KOBE 9 Elite shoe at an event held at The Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Los Angeles. The KOBE 9 Elite redefines the aesthetics and performance of a basketball shoe and was designed using Nike Flyknit according to Nike’s “Nature Amplified” design ethos, an approach focused on designing for the body in motion and fueled by scientific data and athlete insights.
“We are just scratching the surface of the potential of Nike Flyknit to transform the way we design shoes to meet athletes’ needs," said Mark Parker, President & CEO of NIKE, Inc. "The Kobe 9 redefines the basketball shoe by combining power, strength, and flexibility with lightweight materials and a whole new method of manufacturing.”
Designed with Kobe’s tech insights and design inspirations, the KOBE 9 Elite features three key technologies: Nike Flyknit, Flywire and Lunarlon, giving the shoe superior lightweight performance. The innovative design enhances the foot’s natural movements while providing Kobe with strength, durability and speed, plus all the benefits of natural motion where he needs it most.
"I draw inspiration from where I am as a player, as a person, and where my career is at this moment. I'm trying to do something that the majority of people think is impossible to do," Kobe reflected when asked about the inspiration for his latest shoes and about getting back into the game. "I let my emotions out when I step on the basketball floor, it’s always been my escape, and these shoes will touch a nerve on the court in the same way I do."
Nike Flyknit – which was first used in Nike Running shoes in 2012 – defies conventional shoe manufacturing processes by creating a one-piece engineered upper made from single strands of yarns. Lightweight yet incredibly strong, it has redefined sports shoe technology and comes to basketball for the first time in the KOBE 9 Elite.
“Nike Flyknit acts as a second skin for Kobe, giving him engineered strength similar to the design of a spider web – tension and strength just where it’s needed,” said Eric Avar, Nike Creative Director and VP of Innovation, who has worked closely with Kobe on his shoe designs for a decade."
Reverting back to a higher cut for the first time since his third signature shoe in 2007, Kobe’s ninth signature shoe features a knit collar for the proprioceptive feel of a low-top with the support of a mid-top. With the lead colorway dubbed ‘Masterpiece,’ the KOBE 9 Elite uses the intriguing visual patterns allowed by Nike Flyknit to create a piece of art on the upper, nine red embroidered details on the heel give a nod to Kobe’s Achilles sutures. The design on the outsole is based on the pressure mapping of Kobe’s own foot, creating a beautiful pattern while providing traction on court.
Nike Flyknit and Flywire technologies are a one-two punch, leading to a dynamic fit for Kobe’s intricate footwork.
-The single layer Nike Flyknit creates a seamless engineered upper that is the ultimate in superior lightweight performance integrating areas of high breathability, stretch and support where it’s needed most.
-Nike Flywire technology is strong yet dynamic for lockdown through the midfoot; its cables loosen and tighten with the natural motion of the foot.
-The carbon fiber heel counter provides strong and lightweight lateral stability when moving from side to side, while the heel remains stable.
Eliminating bulk and distraction was a focus for Avar. The idea of ‘simplifying without compromise’ helped shape the design of the KOBE 9 Elite.
-Nike Lunarlon cushioning insert provides responsive cushioning that keeps the foot connected to the court.
-The pressure mapping designed, minimal rubber outsole delivers durable traction and mimics the natural contours of the foot.
Nike Flyknit technology introduces a new way to construct a shoe upper by knitting strands of yarn. Nike Flyknit is better for the planet because it drastically reduces waste and materials from typical upper construction. The KOBE 9 Elite upper reduces waste by nearly 50% compared to traditional high-top basketball shoes that use multiple segments and cuts of material in the construction process.

My Thoughts:

They look like boxing shoes....and I am OK with that, While this is by far the most outrageous design of any "Nike" Kobe sneaker, it seemingly transitions the shape of his past signatures while creating its own path in the process. In fact they are releasing ALL of his old Nike sneakers in a limited addition "Pack" (I'll post that later) leading up to the release of the 9. From what I understand the high ankle support was not due to his injury which makes sense as these are typically designed years in advance. It does however seem pretty convenient that its there after such a major accident involving his torn Achilles. I would also like to note that these are being branded as an elite model. This explains the higher price point as there will probably be a low cut inexpensive model releasing sometime later in the season. Stay tuned for more news on this as I will be going over the themes this year in a later post. 

The KOBE 9 Elite releases globally on Feb. 8, 2014, at Nike.com and select global retail locations.

- LeMar

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

"What You Gettin'?"

So I'm going to start a weekly post w/in the blog here on Tuesdays called (see above haha) where I go over a few books I'm looking forward to.  Feel free to comment w/ what you are drooling over or yell at me for my picks. :) This week is the trial period so to speak.  That being the case, I will keep it kinda short and Marvel centric. SPOILERS MAY FOLLOW!!!

1. Amazing X-Men #2
Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness
If you can't tell by the cover art, NIGHTCRAWLER IS BACK.  Well, kinda.  He's still technically dead.  However Wolverine and Northstar have gotten sucked into "Heaven"?  The story so far is centering on Kurt's (Nightcrawler's given name) Dad Azazel, yes the guy from X-Men First Class, charging headfirst into paradise to wreak havoc.   This book is awesome for a couple of reasons.   One, Nightcrawler.  Nuff' said right?  Two, the return of Firestar.  If you're a child of the 80's/90's VHS Marvel cartoons, you'll know how special it is to see her and Ice-man reunited.  And don't get me wrong, there are other reasons to get amped for this book but those two specifically are cause for confetti.  Jason Aaron has worked wonders on his other ensemble X title so I expect he'll keep the momentum going with this one.  Ed McGuinness is always a treat as well.  Dude knows how to pace a page.  Any who, on to the next one...

2. Inhumanity #1
Matt Kindt, Paul Davidson
So not too many casual comic fans know a lot about the Inhumans.  Most people know about Medusa; lady with big hair, Lockjaw; giant teleporting dog and Blackbolt; King of Inhumans/guy who always has to use his six inch voice.  Well, Matt Fraction, the man responsible for turning Hawkeye (Hawkguy if ya nasty) into a MUST BUY and Paul Davidson (He draws Nova reeeeealy well) are out to change the level of awareness. Just in case you're unaware, during the latest Marvel wide event, Invasion, Blackbolt and Maximus the Mad set off a bomb on earth that unlocked the hidden ability in certain people to be an Inhuman.  It's kind of like being a mutant but has the added bonus of a hierarchy.  Plus, any book I can read with Karnak is a plus.  His ability is to see the weak point in any person or structure. AND HE KNOWS MARTIAL ARTS. Haha.  Just me? Whatevs. NEXT!...
3. Uncanny Avengers #15
Rick Remender, Steve McNiven
Uncanny Avengers is supposed to be the attempt of Humans (Avengers((discounting Thor)) and Mutants coming together to show unity in the public eye.  So far they've already gotten Pwned by a Xavier powered Red Skull, dealt with team issues (Rogue and Scarlett Witch are totes tiffing) and had to deal with the "Apocalypse Twins"; the spawn of Archangel.  This book has already had beautiful panels done by John Cassaday, Daniel Acuna and Salvador Larroca.  Now Steve McNiven?! Shut up. Take my money. And spend it unwisely.  Not to mention that Rick Remender is carrying on the seeds he planted years ago in his X-force story lines.  The big ticket for this issue is that last week, in #14, it appears that Rogue, Scarlett Witch and Wonder Man all bit the dust.  Being that this current story is heavily rooted in time travel, I don't know how much of this will stick.  Either way, hold on to your butts.

Welp! That does it for me ranting your eyes off this week.  Come back often and leave your two cents with us!


Monday, December 2, 2013

Spidey 2 Poster Leaked in Las Vegas

So apparently this poster for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was just hanging out in a casino/theater bathroom in Las Vegas.

1st off Sony if you don't want this stuff to leak before your trailer reveal on Dec 5th don't distribute goodies like this to your theater promoters before your huge reveal. 

2nd: It looks as though Sony is going the Ultimate comic route with there Rhino design. Is this because Sony feels that the actual Rhino suit from the 616 Universe/90's spider-man cartoon is to campy for film or is this another case of we are going to mess with the formula you are used to because we can and you will see the film anyway? 

When Amazing Spidey 2 was revealed to the masses I was excited (being a huge spidey fan myself) but then the strange announcements started coming in. Jamie Foxx as Electro, Paul Giamatti as Rhino and some no name as Norman Osborne (lets also not forget the potential of Mary J Watson being gender swapped). I was uneasy with these decisions as a fan. Not to say that these gentleman cannot handle the acting chops (its a comic book movie acting usually isn't a factor but nice when good acting actually happens: See The Avengers for proof.) but I just found them to be odd choices. Why Jamie Foxx an Oscar winner as Electro who is 3rd tier Villain at best. Wouldn't he better suited in a larger role (shoot I would have settled for him as Kraven the Hunter)? Maybe I am looking into this too deeply but I can't help it I am a fanboy when it comes to these films and the venom portrayal in spidey 3 still has a piece of my soul and not in a good way. 

In Closing I guess my biggest fear is the spider-man 3 syndrome. To many villains on screen at one time and a story that is all over the place because of it. I hope I am wrong in my feelings because what I have seen so far has me intrigued. Especially since there has been talk of this leading to the Sinister Six teaming up against Mr. Parker in the next film...May 2nd will be the judge of this rebooted franchises potential. Until then my spidey sense is tingling.

Sound off let us/me know how you feel....

-Shawn Michael

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Top 10 ways Sneakerheads are just like Comic Collectors

I am a Sneakerhead which is honestly just slang for sneaker nerd. My appreciation for the design, craft, and comfort is inundated into my DNA at this point in life. You may not know this but we share a very close connection to the comic nerd. Yeah, we’re not so different you and I. 

Here is why:

Childhood Memories

Growing up in a single parent household, shoe purchases came once a year for school.  This only fed my infatuation. Hoping that one day my kicks would be as amazing as Martin Payne or Corey Mathews.

“Corey had heat”

Fortunately I have a loving mother that was proud to feed my other love which was comic books. She would proudly drive us out to the suburbs every few weeks to pick up our latest Marvel fix. This obsession was much less expensive and could provide a lasting feeling of satisfaction. I miss those days. So once I hit high-school, the first time I got a fresh pair of Nike’s it gave me that feeling all over again. However, it’s a much more expensive hobby that doesn’t appear to be settling any time soon. Thanks Mom.

OG’s are a prized possession

Much Like OG sneakers, a first run comic has a far greater value than a second or third printing. That doesn't take anything away from a retro Jordan or a second edition 1st issue, but there is nothing like that first run.

“Especially when it comes to selling/trading it in the future.”

 Gotta Catch em’ all.

I have OCD when it comes to completion. There is no better feeling than having every single edition or colorway possible. Of course this is obtainable with lots of time and money so you always feel as if you have a chance to make this happen. In fact I know more than a few dedicated people that have. 



So when I went to see The Avengers and was waiting for the second after credits scene, this guy behind me who came with his group of clueless friends tries to explain to them what just happened.  He continued to say Thaynus as he pronounced it was an Egyptian x-men villain who was trying to kill mutants throughout the universe. It took my every being to not nerd rage all over this guy and his cohorts.  

“My Nerd rage is full of protein”

What posers are to Comics, Hypebeasts are to sneakers. Too often do people try to slip into your culture and completely get it wrong with no remorse. I have no love for these people and neither should you.

The Day One Cop Routine

The homey Mike religiously makes his comic purchases every Wednesday. I am the same way with sneakers. Every Saturday morning I’m up early to secure my latest infatuation.

It is this glorious routine that keeps us grounded in the culture. Until it’s no longer a routine and just a part of life. I know personally I would have it no other way.

Respect the Creator

Tinker Hatfield and Eric Avar mean as much to me as Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. These are my idols and the gods that crafted the most influential things in my life. I don’t need to say more. Oh these aren't tears, its power juice.


I got racks on racks on racks of sneakers. My homeys got stacks on stacks of comics around the crib. We do this and dammit we protect our investments. If I could get an air tight vault-like chamber to store my babies I would and my comic book fiends would as well. Wait….no….I wear my kicks and they read their books……You get what I'm saying though.

The Stigma

Well if you like comics you must be a supreme mega nerd right. A virgin, no life outside of larping and playing WOW with people you never met but may one day marry. You wear tapped up glasses and have no fashion sense. It isn't fair but that stigma is probably not going away anytime soon. Unfortunately Sneakerhead also has a negative connotation surrounding it as well. Thanks to a bunch of idiots who couldn't keep their shit together when those concords dropped.

"My people"


Yeah we both do this. They are both equally as awesome and are a must for your nerd Bucket List. Although sneakerheads don’t have anything that would even come close to rivaling Comic-Con, we definitely learned a lot from it.  It’s the perfect way to celebrate the culture, meet your brethren and in some cases come home with that grand prized possession……


Ahh yes, the reason we do it. That one comic, toy, sneaker, autograph, etc. that got away. Some of us are fortunate and may be able to find that Grail in a retro or maybe it wasn't that popular enough and you can get it from your local comic shop.

“My Grail”

But, that’s not always the case is it? Sometimes it’s far too limited or expensive for us to get our hands on. Sometimes it doesn't come in your size or even your country.  Sometimes it’s just plain not meant to be. But the search continues never the less. This is what binds our obsessions and our culture. 

Happy hunting. - LeMar G.