Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Conversations With My 5 year Old. 

I have been thinking of a short bi-weekly blog idea that I can throw up for everyone on a regular basis.Since I am a nerd and stay surrounded by the culture on a regular basis. It seems that the bug has jumped from me to the new generation.With that in mind the idea hit me one day as I was talking to my 5 year old boy Justice. So without further ado I give you the 1st in many entries (I will update this blog post bi-weekly) in a series of what I like to call convo's with my 5 year old. I hope you enjoy!!!

Plot: Justice and I are watching Thor: the Dark World (Its his first time seeing the film)

Scene: The beginning scene where Thor drops down form Asgard to assist Sif in the battle. 

Justice: Dad Where is Thor's helmet? 

Me: Well Justice. They decided to not give Thor a helmet in these movies. 

Justice: Dad why would they take Thor's helmet from him? He needs it to fight the bad guys. 

Me: Are you sure he needs it to fight bad guys? I think you can still be a superhero without a helmet.

Justice: No dad you can be a superhero without a cape, but your not a hero without your helmet...

Me: Alright son...Can't argue with that...