Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Top 10 ways Sneakerheads are just like Comic Collectors

I am a Sneakerhead which is honestly just slang for sneaker nerd. My appreciation for the design, craft, and comfort is inundated into my DNA at this point in life. You may not know this but we share a very close connection to the comic nerd. Yeah, we’re not so different you and I. 

Here is why:

Childhood Memories

Growing up in a single parent household, shoe purchases came once a year for school.  This only fed my infatuation. Hoping that one day my kicks would be as amazing as Martin Payne or Corey Mathews.

“Corey had heat”

Fortunately I have a loving mother that was proud to feed my other love which was comic books. She would proudly drive us out to the suburbs every few weeks to pick up our latest Marvel fix. This obsession was much less expensive and could provide a lasting feeling of satisfaction. I miss those days. So once I hit high-school, the first time I got a fresh pair of Nike’s it gave me that feeling all over again. However, it’s a much more expensive hobby that doesn’t appear to be settling any time soon. Thanks Mom.

OG’s are a prized possession

Much Like OG sneakers, a first run comic has a far greater value than a second or third printing. That doesn't take anything away from a retro Jordan or a second edition 1st issue, but there is nothing like that first run.

“Especially when it comes to selling/trading it in the future.”

 Gotta Catch em’ all.

I have OCD when it comes to completion. There is no better feeling than having every single edition or colorway possible. Of course this is obtainable with lots of time and money so you always feel as if you have a chance to make this happen. In fact I know more than a few dedicated people that have. 



So when I went to see The Avengers and was waiting for the second after credits scene, this guy behind me who came with his group of clueless friends tries to explain to them what just happened.  He continued to say Thaynus as he pronounced it was an Egyptian x-men villain who was trying to kill mutants throughout the universe. It took my every being to not nerd rage all over this guy and his cohorts.  

“My Nerd rage is full of protein”

What posers are to Comics, Hypebeasts are to sneakers. Too often do people try to slip into your culture and completely get it wrong with no remorse. I have no love for these people and neither should you.

The Day One Cop Routine

The homey Mike religiously makes his comic purchases every Wednesday. I am the same way with sneakers. Every Saturday morning I’m up early to secure my latest infatuation.

It is this glorious routine that keeps us grounded in the culture. Until it’s no longer a routine and just a part of life. I know personally I would have it no other way.

Respect the Creator

Tinker Hatfield and Eric Avar mean as much to me as Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. These are my idols and the gods that crafted the most influential things in my life. I don’t need to say more. Oh these aren't tears, its power juice.


I got racks on racks on racks of sneakers. My homeys got stacks on stacks of comics around the crib. We do this and dammit we protect our investments. If I could get an air tight vault-like chamber to store my babies I would and my comic book fiends would as well. Wait….no….I wear my kicks and they read their books……You get what I'm saying though.

The Stigma

Well if you like comics you must be a supreme mega nerd right. A virgin, no life outside of larping and playing WOW with people you never met but may one day marry. You wear tapped up glasses and have no fashion sense. It isn't fair but that stigma is probably not going away anytime soon. Unfortunately Sneakerhead also has a negative connotation surrounding it as well. Thanks to a bunch of idiots who couldn't keep their shit together when those concords dropped.

"My people"


Yeah we both do this. They are both equally as awesome and are a must for your nerd Bucket List. Although sneakerheads don’t have anything that would even come close to rivaling Comic-Con, we definitely learned a lot from it.  It’s the perfect way to celebrate the culture, meet your brethren and in some cases come home with that grand prized possession……


Ahh yes, the reason we do it. That one comic, toy, sneaker, autograph, etc. that got away. Some of us are fortunate and may be able to find that Grail in a retro or maybe it wasn't that popular enough and you can get it from your local comic shop.

“My Grail”

But, that’s not always the case is it? Sometimes it’s far too limited or expensive for us to get our hands on. Sometimes it doesn't come in your size or even your country.  Sometimes it’s just plain not meant to be. But the search continues never the less. This is what binds our obsessions and our culture. 

Happy hunting. - LeMar G.

Join the Club

Good morning internet! Looks like I'm the last one to the party. Since we're kicking it off with introductions, let me tell you all a little about myself.

My name's Marc. My area of focus that you'll hear me ranting about is a little more randomized than the other guys. I try to keep up on general geek culture as well as the latest nerdy science/tech news. I'll be contributing to movie reviews as well as throwing in my opinions for video games and comics. Be warned, most of my comic collection has a cutoff date of December '96 (which you'll probably hear me rant about at some point). I'm also lead article writer for a Star Wars fan blog based in the Twin Cities, so expect plenty of impassioned feedback on the upcoming Star Wars trilogy, Rebels, and spinoff movies.

Looking forward to geeking out with you all, and thanks for joining in with us.

 - Marc

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mike's first post

Hello people of Earth,

Mike here. Just wanted to join the fellas in saying hello to you all and introduce myself. I will be talking about the trends happening in comics as well as collectables. I may also contribute form time to time on movie and video game topics, and discussing things related to MMA and UFC for all of our fight fans.

The five of us all talk about this shit everyday with one after a while it was just a thought that maybe we should record it and see if any of you would enjoy listening to us talking/ranting/arguing/arm wrestling/practicing the Dim Mak, or whatever. After all,,,its what we do.

Our first cast will be coming soon with more to follow. So if you like the same stuff that we like...then maybe we can ALL like the same stuff together.

I hope you enjoy.

All your base are belong to us.


Welcome Home

Whats up ONCJM family! 

My Name is LeMar G. I am a Movie Geek, SneakerHead, Vanity Slave, Video Game Guru,  RapGod and Supreme TasteMaker in all things awesome. Much like you (if you stumbled upon this blog or our podcast) we know that being a nerd can go far beyond comics and video games. Here at ONCJM we will attempt to reach the broadest horizons the nerd universe offers with multiple views from some of the brightest people around. That said, you can expect a lot from this blog going forward so look forward to my top 10 lists, news articles and never ending editorials about life in geekdom. 

My First Post

What up Only Nerds Can Judge Me listeners. Shawn Michael Here...

Our hopes are to bring you a podcast that is for the fanboy's made by fanboy's but also appeal to those who haven't been introduced to the genre that we live in...NERDISM...We now live in a day an age where anyone and everyone is a part of this culture. No longer do you have to feel alone in your cosplay fantasies, your all night gaming sessions or your in depth talks about the latest comic book character changes that annoy you. Men, Woman and Children welcome......Podcast Greatness Awaits 


Monday, November 25, 2013

Jay's First Post

What up world!
By: Jay 

This is the first Blog post from "Only Nerds Can Judge Me".  It will have posts from Myself, Mike, Shawn, LeMar and Marc.  Look to us for reports on games, comics, movies and anything else with that nerd tinge.  We will also have a podcast that coincides with this blog.  Look for the first one soon!  As we are just getting started it may be a bit sporatic at first.  We will smooth out the kinks as we go onward and upward. Thanks for the views/listens!
