Friday, June 20, 2014

The E3 No Shows That Broke My H'eart!

E3 2014 was one of the best E3 shows we have had in a long time. Lets face it E3 has been pretty stale and blah for the past couple of years but this year every contender came out of the gate swinging. We saw some awesome reveals from Microsoft (Sunset Overdrive, Crackdown and Scalebound). Sony showed off once again (BloodBorne,Uncharted 4, No Mans Sky)and even Nintendo reminded us that they were not out of this Next Gen battle just yet (Open world Zelda, Devils 3rd, Yarn Yoshi and Xenosaga prequel)...

Even with all these amazing reveals I still found myself saddened by the absence of games that I felt should have been shown off (because as gamers we are never satisfied). So I present my list of E3 No Shows that broke my heart. 

Fallout 4. 

This for me is one of the biggest disappoints of E3. Rumors have been circulating for about 2 years now of a new fallout game being in development at Bethesda. Everything from voice actors confirming the game, to script leaks and even concept art. yet at E3 Bethesda was mum..not even a whisper. 
They have even gone as far to deny it even exist at this point. I don't know what Bethesda is waiting on (hope they aren't putting all their eggs into the MMO basket/#failIMO) but fans are asking for it waving their money and wallets in the air and yet....You provided us with nothing. Sad Face

Final Fantasy XV.

Come on Square-Enix. At this point Final Fantasy XV(versus XIII at one point) has been in development hell for almost 10 years now(first shown at E3 2006. Yeah its been that long). The game has changed names, engines and systems all between this time and yet..We still have no solid release date..or story information to go off at all. The funny thing is in the time it takes Square to make excuses as to why they are taking forever to give us details on this game or why there have been delays they put out 3 shitty final fantasy XIII games, Bravely Default(this game made SE remember who they are), Murdered Soul Suspect (game is so terrible it steals your soul) and helped with the development of their Eidos properties. 
No more excuses me the money! Or I will loose all interest in this game period....

Kingdom Hearts III.

KHIII was announced at E3 last year and ever since then fans have been salivating for new details. At D23 we got a little tease of new gameplay but not enough to satisfy the hunger. Square announced Pre-E3 2014 that they would not be attending the show. Which sent fans into an outrage. Once again no new details on this game or the stage of development that it is currently in. I myself want to see where the story is headed (this is said to be the last call for Sora and friends...then a new trilogy is planned afterwards.)  I want to see new universes, new characters and something that ties all the games stories into a nice pretty bow...I guess we can just cross our fingers that we will see this game again at the upcoming TGS show (Tokyo Game Show)

CyberPunk 2077.
Although CD Project showed off brand new beautiful footage of the Witcher III at E3 this year...they seemed to have forgotten about their new project they revealed 2 years ago. I don't know about everyone else but I am psyched  for this game for multiple reason. 1 because I know it will be a new gen (ps4/X1/PC) only game and two it adds two of the greatest elements together...Future Tech and SteamPunk. Not only are these elements appealing its being made by a studio that demands perfection from themselves. The refused to release The Witcher III until it looked the way that they wanted it to..and well it blew my mind when they showed it again at E3. So part of me is okay with the development time it will take to perfect their first new IP.
What I am not okay with is this game being absent from E3 completely. Not even a mention of its name, where they are in the development stages or another CG trailer tease. All we know is CD Project has a 2nd team actively working on it and that's it. Not even a promise of game footage at Gamescom. Sadness all around. 

The Last Guardian
Oh Sony...where do I even begin? This game has been a cluster F%#$ of whats going on with this game since its announcement 4 years ago. We have heard everything from the studio developing it gothit with layoffs, to the game is cancelled, to its now being developed for PS4 from the ground up, to its coming soon, to hey its might be cancelled again (IGN report),  then a rebuttle from Sony saying the game is still in development and its not cancelled (twitter post). Even after all that fiasco...They didn't show up with the game at E3 (2014). Really have an Exec snap on IGN for reporting incorrectly. Tell everyone the game is still in development and things are going good just to not show it at all in your E3 press conference???
I think everyone is in agreement with me if this game is a no show at TGS just cancel it already...We cant take anymore false hope announcements. Do yourselves a favor and just remake Shadow of the Colossus from the ground up for PS4 and we will be happy. 

Anything Capcom Related
I was surprised to find out that Capcom had really nothing to show at nothing at all. Yeah they showed the expansion to dead rising 3 (which the trailer was hilarious) but this is a game that has been  out for almost a year now and honestly no one is probably thinking about it anymore. (or they are playing it until X1 gets some more games.) Capcom has had some failures in the past couple of years. RE6 flopped for them, The DMC reboot was not received well (even though the game is great. F the haters) and Lost Planet 3 was a desperate attempt to get fans to care about this IP again (this also didn't pan out well for them). 

Rumors have been swirling for a few months (possibly a year now) that we the gamers would see a reboot of  the Resident Evil Franchise at E3 this year and also a re-emergence of Dino Crisis and rumblings of a Onimusha revival. All great ideas that would have made me run to my local game store to slap my 5 dollar deposit down on...None of them happened. 1 week later. Capcom is talking about being open to a buyout or acquisition. Does this spell doom for a once beloved dev team. That brought ups such greats as Street Fighter, Breath of Fire and Resident Evil.Only time will tell. 

Half Life 3
Just kidding I don't give a S$%@ and don't know why anyone else does. I have played the 1st to games..they make no sense. there is nothing groundbreaking about this game at all.. Everything that valve does is highly overrated and guess what fanboys. I am entitled to my opinion. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Lotta good news this weekend

Sorry its been a while since my last post.  Just recently started school and have been helping my wife recover from ACL repair surgery.  ANYWHO, ran across a couple of good tidbits to make any nerd happy this weekend.

1. Batman vs Superman pushed back 10 MONTHS!


Now hear me out, I want this movie to succeed.  However, i've heard nothing since it's inception that instilled hope within me for this to happen.  Now, Warner is pushing it back to open up directly against an unnamed Marvel U movie on May 6th, 2016.  So this has a couple of good possibilities.  

A. This movie has incurred the wrath of the "Wonder Woman Curse".  Meaning it will never frikin come out because the powers that be can't decide on  how to portray her correctly. Yes.  I'm over it.

B.  This makes them go far beyond our expectations.  Going up against a marvel movie is daunting.  DC/Warner knows how these movies fare.  With the mixed response towards the first movie in this series they may go out of their way to fix the errors of the first film.  Hell, they may even go so far as to recast the roll of WW or write her and the other 29 heroes in this film so it can truly be Bruce vs Clark. 

2.  Sif will be on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. this season.  

I know, I know, this show is sub par.  BUT this is the type of move that we have been waiting on them to make.  Sif isn't "A" list, however she is a nice integration of other heroes from the greater marvel/MCU. With more moves like this, AoS may at least avoid the axe come season 2 pick up time. 

               3.  Agent Carter Confirmed by Marvel

Now I don't have a lot of deets on this yet but this at first was "meh" news to me.  I think i'm a little more open minded towards it now.  This may give us the joy of seeing more silver age Marvel heroes and villains.  Baron Zemo, Namor the Sub-Mariner, even Hank Pym! (Now that we know Michael Douglas is portraying him in Ant-Man.  

With News like this, I think I'll be interested to see what happens once the dust settles on it come monday.  Be safe this weekend Nerds!