Friday, July 31, 2015

Waving Goodbye to 2014.....My Favorite Films and Games of 2014.

Whats going on world. I know its been quite a long time since my last post or any post for that matter, but I felt encouraged by all the 2014 list out there and thought I would add my 2 cents for the enjoyment of readers everywhere. So without further delay I give you my favorite films, games and blunders of 2014.

MY TOP 5 MOVIES of 2014:

5.Big Hero 6 (Nov 7th, 2014/Lego Movie (Feb 7th,2014)-Tied


Kids movies took over last year with big box office numbers and families continually going back to the theater weekend after weekend to keep these films in their number 1 spots for weeks but these movies even though aimed at kids are great entertainment for us adults as well.

Big Hero 6 really surprised me in so many ways. The CG animation was by far the best I have seen in an animated film (next to how to train you dragon II, which was boring and that's why its not a contender). The voice acting was great, the story was solid even though they deviated from the source material quite a bit (there was a short run of great Marvel Comics back in the day) and on top of all that greatness the film has the movie also film at my emotional heart strings more than once. Yes as a parent a few scenes made me drop a few tears.
To the point of where my son Justice had to ask " Dad why are you crying." My response was simple "Son when you have your first child you will understand." This Movie also had quite a few LOL moments and the Stan Lee cameo although subtle was one of my favorite Stan Lee cameos to date. If you haven't seen big hero 6 because you don't have kids or you think its just another CG movie clone attempt to grab your money..You are wrong...Give Disney your money when the Blu-Ray drops Feb 24th, 2015. you wont regret it. I know I will be first in line waving my money at the register that day.
In closing I hope this franchise gets a few great sequels and hopefully one day the success of this franchise will spawn a live action movie that ties into the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) one can only hope.Fingers crossed true believers.

The Lego Movie was a film that I honestly wasn't interested in at all. Justice would beg me every time he would see a trailer for the movie to go see it. After the 1000th pretty please Dad! I finally took him to go see the movie and wow was I impressed. The movie is a tale of a nobody, your everyday run of the mill guy who just follows what everyone else does in society.Just another cog in the corporate machine. Sound should because that's 99% of us in America today. Emmett the main character goes on to find out what his destiny truly is and that story is what makes this movie shine.
1st off if you haven't seen Lego movie yet...go see it. Right now..leave my blog the movie watch it with your family or by yourself it doesn't matter this movie is great. I don't think a kids movie has ever made me LOL as much as this movie did. I had times I was wiping tears of joy away from the funny moments in this movie. The cast of characters is great Chris Pratt killed it in the voice acting dept and of course Mr. Morgan Freeman and all his sage wisdom was on board as an actual sage with wisdom and anytime you hear Mr. Freeman speak its magical. Will Arnett was a great batman and had me laughing quite a bit. Besides the voice work this movie is absolutely beautiful to look at and when you know how they actually made the movie it makes it much more impressive (real lego's were used in the making of this film)
When they announced a sequel to this film in late 2014 I was all about it and I hope you are too. As long as they keep coming with the funny and the ingenuity I will see 10 more Lego films because "Everything Is Awesome"

4. Edge of Tomorrow (June 6th,2014)

Okay I know what your saying to yourself. Tom Cruise really, but yeah Tom Cruise...REALLY. I can say with the utmost confidence that Mr. Cruise has been crushing it lately with Mission Impossible 4, Oblivion and even Jack Reacher (sounds like a code name for a handy) his acting and films have been on point. I don't think Mr. Cruise has done anything in the pat 2 years that wasn't great. This movie starts off as a generic alien invasion film, but then turns the corner fast and adds a groundhogs day twist to it. Sidebar-Its also based off a Japanese manga titled "All we need is Kill"

Spoilers Below!!! continue reading at your own risk.

Tom's character (William Cage) in the film is a army recruitment type guy who is just their to glamorize the war between humans the the aliens who invade our planet and threaten our livelihood. He is a figure to bring new recruits into the fold. He is then asked by a general to go to the front lines with a film crew to show the world that we are winning this battle. he politely declines the generals offer but is thrown into the midst anyway against his will.

This leads Cage to the front lines of battle with no actual battle experience. This leads to Cage coming up close and personal with Alpha type of alien that when their blood is spilled on you, said person obtains the power to reset the day. Once Cage gets this ability things become very interesting and actually quite funny at times...their are a lot of memorable moments in this film and quite a bit of action. Mrs. Emily Blunt is known as the Iron Bitch to the rest of the army and kicks all kinds of a$$ in this film. She is basically a love interest in the film but has more depth to her than that. She once had the power to reset time as well, but lost it due to a blood transfusion. Her character in the beginning is the only one who believes Cage about his ability to reset the day and begins to train him to become a bada$$ just like herself.

Visually this film is stunning, the story is great and keeps things open for more action in the future (although the box office draw wasn't huge so probably not) and the characters are great as well. They in a way remind me of the ragtag group of people that so long ago rode in a spaceship called the Nostromo.   This film makes me ask for more Tom Cruise in a sci-fi setting such as this one and I hope we get it. also #emilybluntforMs.Marvel...start the movement.

3. X-Men: Days of Future Past (May 23rd, 2014)

Based on one of the greatest X-men comic book story lines ever written and maybe even the best comic story line ever IMO. This film delivers. I had fears going into this film. As did the rest of the ONCJME crew. My 1st and only red flag was Matthew Vaughn being pushed out of the way to bring back Bryan "Pedophile" Singer to direct. The reason I say that is because Vaughn did such a great job to bring life back to this franchise after the horrible atrocity that was X3. 1st class was a great X-men film and I feared the Singer would backtrack and bring it back to those dark days.
However something surprising happened.The movie turned out to be one of the greatest freaking films to hit the silver screen in the summer of 2014. I came in with low expectations and walked out with my mind blown. (pieces of nerd brain everywhere) This film is the definition of bringing back an franchise that could have honestly died quietly.

Spoiler Alert!!! proceed at your own risk

The film starts off in a bleak future that could be. We see weathered superheroes that look like they have been fighting a losing battle for years. At one point Kitty Pryde mentions they are the only ones left fighting.Everyone else is dead. This sticks close to the comic book which I really appreciated. Enter your killing machines the sentinels. Now in our comic we had Nimrod but honestly the dudes name was Nimrod I can see why they didn't go this route, which is honestly okay with me. The sentinels of the future are nothing to play with. These future sentinels can adapt their powers to match or counter others powers being used against them. Although they can be destroyed its not easy and the film does a good job of showing this.

Eventually the A-team of mutants gets together for one last stand and an idea to send someone back in time to stop the sentinel program from being started. Enter wolverine the baddest mofo to ever be a mutant. Wolverine is sent back into his younger self (who doesn't look any younger mind you. sans the grey stripes in his hair)
Wolverine spends his time tracking down a young professor X in order to stop Bolivar Trask from starting the sentinel program.While he is doing this Mystique has her own plans to assassinate Trask. Which is what fast tracks the sentinel program in the future. In the midst of all this going on Professor Xavier realizes they cannot stop the sentinels or locate Mystique  without Magneto.
Magneto is being held deep below the pentagon and must be broken out in order to track down Mystique. Enter the best moment in the movie. QUICKSILVER!!!!!

Quicksilver played by Evan Peters is the fastest mutant on the planet and he is the only one is fit for the job of breaking Mags out of his prison. This entire scene gets a 10/10 IMO. greatest thing to happen on the silver screen in a superhero movie ever. This is coming from the biggest Quicksilver skeptic when they first released images of his atrocious costume. Which now after seeing the film makes  sense. I put this Blu-Ray in my ps4 sometimes just to fast forward to the quicksilver scene..that's how great it is. 
The ending of the film is something that honestly surprised me. In a world of spoilers and leaked information Fox kept the big secrets under wraps. Bravo to them for keeping a lid on what I would have never expected to happen. 

All in all the film redeems the mistakes of the past and sends our favorite mutant team to a path now known Xmen: Age of Apocalypse set for a 2016 release and I cant wait to see more quicksilver and of course one my favorite villains Apocalypse. 

2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier (April 4th, 2014)

Based on one of the greatest cap graphic novels ever written. Captain America: the winter soldier follows are favorite marvel boyscott into the depths of treachery,deceit and all around badassness. 

Once again Spoilers!!! turn away if you haven't seen Cap. Which means you live under a rock. 

Captain America starts off with Cap and Black Widow on a mission from Nick Fury to rescue some SHIELD agents from a ocean freighter. Enter a captain america that we have yet to see in the movies. Bad A!! mutha shut your mouth. Cap hits the ship firing all guns. Shield throws, Kicking enemies off the ship, throwing knives in cats hands and then going toe to toe with UFC legend GSP who plays Batroc the leaper. This is just the 1st scene in the movie and I don't think I have ever had chills in a movie theater until this film. Cap was not playing any games with these villains but that was just the tip of the iceberg. 

Once off the ship Cap begins to question his work for SHIELD and Nick Fury's intentions. Little does Cap know Nick Fury also has his suspicions about the current state of SHIELD. After a few scenes of dialog we enter the Nick Fury shoot everything and supped up SUV scene. This scene was ridiculously epic and had me on the edge of me seat the whole scene. this is the first time we see the winter soldier and man is he a bad man.

After this scene we continue with the high action scenes with funny moments snuck in here and there thanks to Mr. Anthony Mackie who plays Falcon. The Mall scene in the apple store also had my LOL'ing.

Speaking of which the Falcon suit was all kinds of badass. I cant wait to see how Stark improves on the design. Because you know that's coming.

At the climax of the film we find out that since the first cap film that Hydra has infiltrated SHIELD and has been working the the shadows all along. Controlling everything of importance. This causes distrust for SHIELD and even trickles into other Marvel staples such as Agents of SHIELD. We also get a reveal of Winter Soldiers true identity which rocks Caps world. This story line of discovery will eventually trickle over into Captain America 3: Civil War.

In closing Cap is a non stop action ride with a great story mixed in between. The costume designs were great and the suspense factor was there as well. It sets up the MCU's future and does it with style. I cannot wait to see whats next for Captain America and if you were a fan of this film I know you cant wait either. I leave you with one more GIF because I just cant help myself.

1. Guardians of the Galaxy (Aug 1st, 2014)

Like everyone didn't see this coming. I loved the guardians of the galaxy before they were a household name. I remember talking with Jay about how to obtain the omnibus comics and began my pursuit of getting my hands on the older comics. In this pursuit all I would hear from people who were unaware of this awesome marvel space team is Guardians of the Galaxy cant work from the haters or naysayers. Well haters...I bet you saw the movie 3 times in the theater just like I did because 333,055,258 domestic box office dollars don't lie. This figure isnt including foreign sales or blu-ray/dvd sales. GOG basically crushed all kinds of records for the month of August. 

Spoilers!!! Spoilers!!! Spoilers!!!

Okay if you are still with me Guardians of the Galaxy follows our main character Peter Quill played by Chris Pratt and his journey that will eventually lead him to meet the rest of the Guardians crew. The film starts with a young quill in a hospital were his mother is slowly passing away from cancer. After this scene we see Peter get abducted by a spaceship and then enters the most epic Marvel comic book screen ever... I loved the way this movie stared and I was immediately in it for the whole ride. People were even cheering in the theater at this point and we were only 4 minutes into the film. 

After this scene we are introduced to a shot of a beautiful galaxy and then a ship landing on a planet that is desolate and abandoned. We are now introduced to a adult Peter Quill  who is now a bounty hunter/ravager/mercenary. This whole scene was great. I immediately was reminded of one of my favorite film series Star Wars in this beginning scene. It even had a little lighthearted dance scene to go along with it...LOL's could be heard throughout the theater.

Our hero is searching for what we later find out to be an infinity stone. more on that later but Mr. Quill is interrupted in his endeavor by some of Ronan the Accusers goons. They are also after this artifact...A chase begins and ends with Peter leaving the planet to fence his newly found treasure. 

When Peter gets to this planet he finds he cannot fence the item because the shop owner is shaken up by Quill mentioning the Ronan is also looking for the artifact as well. Little does Quill know that Gamora played by Zoe Saldana is also on the hunt for him and the artifact so she can sell it to The Collector. As Quill leaves the shop Gamora is waiting for him. They have a quick chat and then she takes the Stone from Quill and its a game of cat and mouse. This is where Rocket and Groot are introduced as well. After this crazy fight scene our hero's end up in a prison ran by the Nova Corps. 

The prison scene is honestly one of my favorite scenes in this film. Mixed with hilarious dialog and action. In this scene we get introduced to Drax the Destroyer played by Dave Bautista. Drax is on the hunt for Gamora because of her ties to Ronan who he believes is responsible for the murder of his family. Quill steps in during this interaction between Drax and Gamora to save her life. After this scene our 5 hero's join up to break out of the prison together. 

After the prison break our hero's venture to see The collector to fence the artifact which is then explained to be a what I believe is the power gem/stone. Chaos occurs during this scene and a drunk and disorderly Drax contacts Ronan's people so he can battle Ronan for revenge. Ronan makes short work of Drax and ends up getting the Infinity stone from our team in the end. This leads to Ronan fusing the stone with his hammer and getting puffed up enough to talk good s### to his master. The man calling the shots from the shadows. THANOS!!!

Yeah Thanos is in the film. In all his terrifying glory. This is the first time we get a good look at the Mad Titan and James Gunn is spot on with the look of this badass villian. Thanos is voiced by Mr. Josh Brolin. Who actually looks like Thanos which is hilarious to me. Sans the purple Skin.-Side Bar if you haven't read the comic line Thanos Rising. Do yourself a favor read these comics. It will give you a better insight on this villain and why he is the way he is. I honestly hope Marvel makes a one shot for Thanos or gives him his own film before infinity wars. One can only Hope.

In Closing this is the best Marvel film to date. I cant find one flaw in this film. The story is great, the action is awesome and exhilarating, the soundtrack is phenomenal, the visuals are mind blowing and the casting is spot on and perfect. I honestly cant see anyone else play Peter Quill other than Pratt. He killed it...The voice work was great. Bradley Cooper was great as Rocket(I was a skeptic when he was first announced as the voice. He made me a believer.). Vin Diesel although he said one line the whole movie got the emotions of Groot across to the audience.
(We are Groot...TEARS yeah I cried. Want to fight about it. I got kids everything is emotional when you have kids.) This movie only took 8 or 9 months to film..I cant imagine what James Gunn will do with the two years to make Guardians II. The 2nd film is set for May 5th, 2017. I know you will be in the theater as will I. I am hoping this movie takes the #1 all time box office spot and knocks Avatar out of the way. Until then I will be dancing like baby Groot.

Now on to my favorite Games of 2014. hang on to your butts. I may rattle some cages.

5. Destiny (Sept 9th, 2014)

Destiny was easily one of my most anticipated games for 2014. The hype train was definitely in full effect for this game and the storm of what was supposed to be an awe inspiring game swept us all up. I played the Alpha and Beta to death and was hoping that when the full game came out that it would be a game that set the precedent for future games in this genre.
Instead I got a generic FPS with RPG elements that are not only confusing but frustrating. Oh I hit level 20 and then I gotta get light.Well what the hell is light, what the Faq do I do with all this spin metal and why is the glimmer limit set to 250,000 and whats the point of money when everything needs rank to buy the good stuff and also why does this A-hole cryptarch keep giving me garbage armor and weapons when my equipped items are 10 times better? These questions were never answered and probably never will be. Bungie you see has signed with the dark side of the force. They inked a deal with Activision after leaving Microsoft.

Their (Activision's) hand prints are all over this game. I feel when the game was first announced it was pitched as a open world FPS with this excellent story ala Fallout or Elder Scrolls. Instead its a FPS MMO with a story that really isnt a story...I still don't understand the purpose of the traveler or why you are doing what you are doing. I just play....and I guess that's okay for some people, but for me I need a deep story with my RPG's.I need to feel immersed in your world.It takes more than pretty visuals sometimes to quench that thirst for story. This game definitely doesn't have that, but if you like fast paced multi-player and fun with friends (because that's the only time this game is fun)

In closing I give the game a 5 out of 10. Get ready for a future of micro-transactions and paid upgrades and updates in the future with this franchise because I feel the wave coming. If you don't see it with this franchise then maybe you are blinded by the Bungie name, but if we don't stop feeding into the DLC for everything barrage as of late we are doomed to have a terrible future with Destiny. I guess only time will tell. 

(As of now I truly hate this game and loathe everything it stands for but am to busy to find a replacement #5 for this blog. In a nutshell Bungie/Activision should be ashamed of themselves for the way they deliver content in this game, how they don't listen to the consumer at all in any form and their ability to sell you the same content over and over again )

4. Infamous: Second Son

Infamous Second Son was the game that everyone was waiting for...and why is that..well it was a title that was post launch and post launch games are always supposed to bring the heat...Well guess what Infamous delivered. With beautiful visuals a great engaging story and powers that made me feel like a modern day Marvel comics god. This game took chances and it all payed off. I enjoyed this game thoroughly spent countless hours talking about it at length with other ONCJME crew and honestly can find no flaw in this game. I even platinum'd the game. Its my first platinum trophy ever and i never feel like trophy hunting so that speaks volumes in my opinion.  You may ask why not number 1 then..well because games that tuned into me more as a gamer were better, but that doesn't take away from the fact that Infamous is a solid 9.5 possibly a 10.

I would talk about its absolutely wonderful DLC staring Fetch Infamous: First Light, but I will save that for another blog post. I will just say this...I enjoyed being Fetch just a little more the Delsin.

In closing..I leave you with pretty gifs..All in game mind you...

3. GTA V

Grand Theft Auto...just the name alone brings about chaos in the form of parents waving picket signs or feelings of nostalgia and joy for those of us who love the series. My first trip into Rockstar's open world sandbox extravaganza started with GTA III and ever since then I have been a fan of what I find to be the most pleasing and entertaining open world sandbox games you can find on the market today.

I started my GTA V journey on old gen consoles, days before the next gen systems dropped for both Microsoft and Sony. I didn't get to complete my journey through the streets of Los Santos which made me sad but what I did play and see was simply amazing. The horsepower that Rockstar was able to utilize with this now old tech astounded me. I had many gasp moments of how did they get this to look so good and are the NPC's really having side conversations.

The game was just a great swan song for both systems IMO, but then Rockstar did something that I honestly expected from the get go (because Money right?) they re-released GTA V for current gen systems and let me tell you this wasn't just a pretty coat of new paint but a host of new upgrades that made this great game even better. Rockstar puts other studios to shame that release their older titles that just slap an HD skin on it but no other enhancements or upgrades are given to the consumer. Please dont get me wrong as a graphics connoisseur I love some pretty visuals but I need more...and Rockstar delivered....

Sharks for one...and you can also be a shark and various other animals in this re-hash (peyote missions)..and the animations are just crazy...

A FPS camera view was added and is quite epic. 

In addition to these add-ons the frame rate, draw distance, graphics were all updated. The soundtrack had quite a few new tracks added as well as new dog and animals roam the streets and seas as well as new missions. Rockstar put their foot in this upgrade for the X1 and PS4 and if you haven't taken a 2nd trip to Los Santos for the current gen systems then you need to wake up from your peyote dreams and buy this game now. Micheal, Franklin and Trevor's story deserves another go round... I cant wait to see what Rockstar has in store for us in the future. I respect this studio a lot sans all the disgruntled employee mumbo jumbo from a few years back. Rockstar knows how to take their time with games that they love and are passionate about their product and the proof is in the pudding. I will gladly wait for the next adventure even if it takes another 4-5 years (hopefully a Red Dead sequel) I know the wait will be worth it.

2. Dragon Age Inquisition 

Dragon Age how I love your vast forest, beautiful mountains, and magnificent shorelines. First off  this game is absolutely stunning and just great to look at. From the castles you visit to the deserts you travel every detail just gives you that wow factor. I couldn't tell you how many pictures I have stored on my PS4 of just OMG how did they do that moments.  The game play is fun attention grabbing and intuitive, the crafting is understandable and addictive once you start to get the hang of it.Which brings me to finding new schematics for better armor and weapons scattered across various levels. This game is an RPG lovers wet dream...however it does come with flaws...because no matter how much we hate to admit it as gamers..all games even cherished ones have flaws... My flaw with dragon age is kind of a big one...continue this quest at your own spoilers but...maybe disappointment.

My one gripe with all the vast improvements they made over the 2nd entry in this series is.............THE STORY...its lacking..almost as though it doesn't exist..I create your character that is entered into an already existing dragon age world, but the story is just lack luster. I found myself in mundane land time after time after time. Asking myself when is the story going to interest me..What kept me moving forward was the games characters, the games mechanics and its beautiful scenery. You may ask yourself. is this a #2 on your list if the story is non fantastical...Good question..It was the only solid RPG of 2014..and well I love RPG's..So that's why. 

1. Shadows of Mordor

 Shadows of Mordor caught me off guard. I say that because this usually is not my type of game. I for the most part am sick of Assassins Creed clones and Assassins creed in general and after the whole controversy where a designer of ACII said he saw assets of his in Mordor. I had no intention of playing this game. 

I however was unable to resist this urge when all the hype surrounding the game began to come to a head. My friends and colleagues were praising the game for its fun combat, great story and just overall how solid of a game it truly is. The one common thing that we all pointed out as did the entire industry is THE NEMESIS SYSTEM...The nemesis system is something to behold...truly a new innovation in today's meek and boring wasteland of clones and copy cats (honestly surprised this system has not been copied several times over at this point).  

I am too lazy to explain how this awesome system works so I will let an except from @IGN explain

The Nemeses (singular: Nemesis) are randomly named enemies in Sauron's Army that are generated uniquely with each play-through of the game. Each nemesis has their own personality and will rise or fall within their social structure as the game progresses. They are affected by Talion's actions, and each will react differently to Talion's incursion into Mordor, be it fight, flight, or some other reaction. By defeating these notable enemies, the player is rewarded Runes 

 To be brief the game is great..the main character Talion voiced by Troy Baker(the new Nolan North) has depth to him and the world of characters has depth to it. I love how every action has a reaction in this game as well. If you haven't experienced this game. Play it..Its worth it..You will find yourself hoping that every game that is an Action/RPG hybrid has some sort of nemesis system implemented into it. It just makes the game more lifelike and realistic while bringing new challenges. Great Job Monolith. You have a franchise on your hands now. 

As always I leave you with some gifs of Talion in action. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Conversations With My 5 year Old. 

I have been thinking of a short bi-weekly blog idea that I can throw up for everyone on a regular basis.Since I am a nerd and stay surrounded by the culture on a regular basis. It seems that the bug has jumped from me to the new generation.With that in mind the idea hit me one day as I was talking to my 5 year old boy Justice. So without further ado I give you the 1st in many entries (I will update this blog post bi-weekly) in a series of what I like to call convo's with my 5 year old. I hope you enjoy!!!

Plot: Justice and I are watching Thor: the Dark World (Its his first time seeing the film)

Scene: The beginning scene where Thor drops down form Asgard to assist Sif in the battle. 

Justice: Dad Where is Thor's helmet? 

Me: Well Justice. They decided to not give Thor a helmet in these movies. 

Justice: Dad why would they take Thor's helmet from him? He needs it to fight the bad guys. 

Me: Are you sure he needs it to fight bad guys? I think you can still be a superhero without a helmet.

Justice: No dad you can be a superhero without a cape, but your not a hero without your helmet...

Me: Alright son...Can't argue with that... 

Friday, June 20, 2014

The E3 No Shows That Broke My H'eart!

E3 2014 was one of the best E3 shows we have had in a long time. Lets face it E3 has been pretty stale and blah for the past couple of years but this year every contender came out of the gate swinging. We saw some awesome reveals from Microsoft (Sunset Overdrive, Crackdown and Scalebound). Sony showed off once again (BloodBorne,Uncharted 4, No Mans Sky)and even Nintendo reminded us that they were not out of this Next Gen battle just yet (Open world Zelda, Devils 3rd, Yarn Yoshi and Xenosaga prequel)...

Even with all these amazing reveals I still found myself saddened by the absence of games that I felt should have been shown off (because as gamers we are never satisfied). So I present my list of E3 No Shows that broke my heart. 

Fallout 4. 

This for me is one of the biggest disappoints of E3. Rumors have been circulating for about 2 years now of a new fallout game being in development at Bethesda. Everything from voice actors confirming the game, to script leaks and even concept art. yet at E3 Bethesda was mum..not even a whisper. 
They have even gone as far to deny it even exist at this point. I don't know what Bethesda is waiting on (hope they aren't putting all their eggs into the MMO basket/#failIMO) but fans are asking for it waving their money and wallets in the air and yet....You provided us with nothing. Sad Face

Final Fantasy XV.

Come on Square-Enix. At this point Final Fantasy XV(versus XIII at one point) has been in development hell for almost 10 years now(first shown at E3 2006. Yeah its been that long). The game has changed names, engines and systems all between this time and yet..We still have no solid release date..or story information to go off at all. The funny thing is in the time it takes Square to make excuses as to why they are taking forever to give us details on this game or why there have been delays they put out 3 shitty final fantasy XIII games, Bravely Default(this game made SE remember who they are), Murdered Soul Suspect (game is so terrible it steals your soul) and helped with the development of their Eidos properties. 
No more excuses me the money! Or I will loose all interest in this game period....

Kingdom Hearts III.

KHIII was announced at E3 last year and ever since then fans have been salivating for new details. At D23 we got a little tease of new gameplay but not enough to satisfy the hunger. Square announced Pre-E3 2014 that they would not be attending the show. Which sent fans into an outrage. Once again no new details on this game or the stage of development that it is currently in. I myself want to see where the story is headed (this is said to be the last call for Sora and friends...then a new trilogy is planned afterwards.)  I want to see new universes, new characters and something that ties all the games stories into a nice pretty bow...I guess we can just cross our fingers that we will see this game again at the upcoming TGS show (Tokyo Game Show)

CyberPunk 2077.
Although CD Project showed off brand new beautiful footage of the Witcher III at E3 this year...they seemed to have forgotten about their new project they revealed 2 years ago. I don't know about everyone else but I am psyched  for this game for multiple reason. 1 because I know it will be a new gen (ps4/X1/PC) only game and two it adds two of the greatest elements together...Future Tech and SteamPunk. Not only are these elements appealing its being made by a studio that demands perfection from themselves. The refused to release The Witcher III until it looked the way that they wanted it to..and well it blew my mind when they showed it again at E3. So part of me is okay with the development time it will take to perfect their first new IP.
What I am not okay with is this game being absent from E3 completely. Not even a mention of its name, where they are in the development stages or another CG trailer tease. All we know is CD Project has a 2nd team actively working on it and that's it. Not even a promise of game footage at Gamescom. Sadness all around. 

The Last Guardian
Oh Sony...where do I even begin? This game has been a cluster F%#$ of whats going on with this game since its announcement 4 years ago. We have heard everything from the studio developing it gothit with layoffs, to the game is cancelled, to its now being developed for PS4 from the ground up, to its coming soon, to hey its might be cancelled again (IGN report),  then a rebuttle from Sony saying the game is still in development and its not cancelled (twitter post). Even after all that fiasco...They didn't show up with the game at E3 (2014). Really have an Exec snap on IGN for reporting incorrectly. Tell everyone the game is still in development and things are going good just to not show it at all in your E3 press conference???
I think everyone is in agreement with me if this game is a no show at TGS just cancel it already...We cant take anymore false hope announcements. Do yourselves a favor and just remake Shadow of the Colossus from the ground up for PS4 and we will be happy. 

Anything Capcom Related
I was surprised to find out that Capcom had really nothing to show at nothing at all. Yeah they showed the expansion to dead rising 3 (which the trailer was hilarious) but this is a game that has been  out for almost a year now and honestly no one is probably thinking about it anymore. (or they are playing it until X1 gets some more games.) Capcom has had some failures in the past couple of years. RE6 flopped for them, The DMC reboot was not received well (even though the game is great. F the haters) and Lost Planet 3 was a desperate attempt to get fans to care about this IP again (this also didn't pan out well for them). 

Rumors have been swirling for a few months (possibly a year now) that we the gamers would see a reboot of  the Resident Evil Franchise at E3 this year and also a re-emergence of Dino Crisis and rumblings of a Onimusha revival. All great ideas that would have made me run to my local game store to slap my 5 dollar deposit down on...None of them happened. 1 week later. Capcom is talking about being open to a buyout or acquisition. Does this spell doom for a once beloved dev team. That brought ups such greats as Street Fighter, Breath of Fire and Resident Evil.Only time will tell. 

Half Life 3
Just kidding I don't give a S$%@ and don't know why anyone else does. I have played the 1st to games..they make no sense. there is nothing groundbreaking about this game at all.. Everything that valve does is highly overrated and guess what fanboys. I am entitled to my opinion. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Lotta good news this weekend

Sorry its been a while since my last post.  Just recently started school and have been helping my wife recover from ACL repair surgery.  ANYWHO, ran across a couple of good tidbits to make any nerd happy this weekend.

1. Batman vs Superman pushed back 10 MONTHS!


Now hear me out, I want this movie to succeed.  However, i've heard nothing since it's inception that instilled hope within me for this to happen.  Now, Warner is pushing it back to open up directly against an unnamed Marvel U movie on May 6th, 2016.  So this has a couple of good possibilities.  

A. This movie has incurred the wrath of the "Wonder Woman Curse".  Meaning it will never frikin come out because the powers that be can't decide on  how to portray her correctly. Yes.  I'm over it.

B.  This makes them go far beyond our expectations.  Going up against a marvel movie is daunting.  DC/Warner knows how these movies fare.  With the mixed response towards the first movie in this series they may go out of their way to fix the errors of the first film.  Hell, they may even go so far as to recast the roll of WW or write her and the other 29 heroes in this film so it can truly be Bruce vs Clark. 

2.  Sif will be on Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. this season.  

I know, I know, this show is sub par.  BUT this is the type of move that we have been waiting on them to make.  Sif isn't "A" list, however she is a nice integration of other heroes from the greater marvel/MCU. With more moves like this, AoS may at least avoid the axe come season 2 pick up time. 

               3.  Agent Carter Confirmed by Marvel

Now I don't have a lot of deets on this yet but this at first was "meh" news to me.  I think i'm a little more open minded towards it now.  This may give us the joy of seeing more silver age Marvel heroes and villains.  Baron Zemo, Namor the Sub-Mariner, even Hank Pym! (Now that we know Michael Douglas is portraying him in Ant-Man.  

With News like this, I think I'll be interested to see what happens once the dust settles on it come monday.  Be safe this weekend Nerds!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Favorite Things of 2013

My Favorite things of 2013

Every year Oprah does her favorite things of (Insert Year) but they usually don't have anything to do with nerd culture, but that's not how we get down here in the realm of ONCJME. So without further ado I give you Shawn Michael's favorite things of 2013. Sorry guys there will be no free cars at the end... :(

1.Naughty Dogs Evolution Into The Adult Storytelling Realm. 
The company that brought us classic childhood greats like Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter stepped their game up in years past with a little known title called Uncharted, but on June 14th, 2013 they stepped away from Nathan Drake and crew to give us something that is and was just plain Magical. The Last of Us. *Spoiler Alert* 

In the beginning of this story you find yourself in the shoes of Joel's daughter searching around their home for her father. In the moments that pass craziness ensues and we come to find out that the city is under siege by what we found out later to be "The Infected". While trying to flee the city things escalate quickly and end with Joel holding his dead daughter (Sarah) in his arms...Thanks to an A-hole government agent to scared to make his own life decisions and fires on innocents. This ladies and gentlemen was the first time a video game had me in tears. I turned to my wife to see that she also had tears falling from her eyes (Keep in mind this is a video game)...This is when I knew. This game will forever be engraved in my heart. 

The game then jumps a few years into the future where man is on the brink of extinction. Joel and his partner Tess are searching for a supply of guns that belong to them that are being held on to by a local thug. 1 thing leads to another and Joel ends up taking on a task for the fireflies leader Marlene that introduces our protagonist to Ellie. Everything from that point on continues to be Epic. We loose Tess to an infected bite. She then goes out like a gangster to give Ellie and Joel some time to escape from mercenaries/crazy folks. We see Joel's long lost brother as a leader in a community he built from the ground up and eventually learn that Ellie is the cure to all humanity. The game closes with Joel sacrificing humanity to keep Ellie alive because through all their trials together he has found a new daughter in Ellie and his mind is saying FTW..

In closing if you have not played The last of us play it. (even if you read the spoilers) Even if you don't own a PS3 buy the game just to support naughty dog...Its just that good. 

2. The Gospel Hip-Hop Takeover.


I was hollering Romans 1:16 before Lecrae became a household name. Who would have thought that a down-south Christian rapper would win a Grammy for his hard work and dedication to the mission of using what we call hip-hop as a catalyst to spread the message of Christ and following a bigger purpose.

I know we all have a piece in our heart for hip-hop my first journey into this genre was Biggie's ready to die. After that I was hooked. grabbing every hip hop album I could find on the shelf. Eventually my passion drove me to start writing lyrics myself going by the stage name "Shawn Juan" a nickname given to me by friends.At first I was just playing around recording over other peoples beats with a group I was a part of "Absalut Family".Later I started up a small record label Snowtown records that for unforeseen reason's destroyed itself. Giving up my dream and no longer rapping at all I started hating what Hip-Hop was becoming. 

No longer was it about substance or value but how many times you can Rhyme the word Nigga, or how many fake people you can kill in your lyrics and if it wasn't about that it was a constant reminder of how rich the rapper was and the things they have that you can never obtain. Saddened by the state of hip-hop I left it alone and exclusively listened to R&B or Rock (Linkin Park mostly or old Nirvana albums)

But then in 2004 I started going to a new church. My youth pastor at the time was a rapper. I thought this was a crazy notion because growing up God and Rap didn't seem like they went together. I went to a few of his shows and was really feeling the positive message's as well as the encouragement it gave the youth. Years later I found out that there were many local MN artist that fell into this genre. My hunger grew for more and in 2010 on a visit to NC my homeboy popped in an Album (Rebel) and asked me one question 
         " Have you ever heard of Lecrae?" I shook my head no. He then turned the volume all the way up and allowed his subs to bang so hard that the concrete beneath us shook. Every song got better, every track had a great message that wasn't the norm and Lecrae was a dude from the hood just like me who found Christ and used his talent to grow the minds of people instead of poison them with the norm. My obsession started! As soon as I got back to MN I grew my collection. Not just with Lecrae albums but Trip Lee, Sho Baraka, Tedashii, Da Truth, Canon, Andy Mineo and Pro (now known as Derek Minor) to name a few. In short this is a genre that went from corny raps.. (ECW was my first christian hip hop tape back in the 90's you can imagine the corn-ballness but can respect what they tried to do) to solid beat banging, lyric spittin, positive vibe music. I am glad that these fellas were able to make their own lane and claim a slice of hip hop for the King. They have encouraged me to change how I rap and I hope to one day post some new content from myself for you to vibe to. 

Please don't let the christian moniker scare you  ( I know theirs a lot of fakes out there.) These artist have something to offer that you may like! So take a leap of faith, try something different and get familiar with the movement. 

3. Sci-Fi Making A Comeback

We live in a day and age where the Sci-fi film is pushed to the corner like a red headed step child. I remember when I was growing up that almost every other film that dropped was a Sci-fi action or horror flick. We got our greatest in the late 80's early 90's ( I will leave that to you the READER to decide what films are greats during that time.) But nowadays we are hit with a barrage of sappy love films, dramas that you can wait for them to drop on Netflix or everyone trying their hand at the super hero genre...(thank The Avengers success for this) but when it comes to Sci-fi you were waiting for one good film (to be released in theaters) and maybe if you were lucky you would get an original IP that wasn't a terrible remake that made you cry at its terribleness. 
Well in 2013 that seemed to change. We got great films like Pacific Rim, the next installment in the star trek trilogy and my personal favorite Elysium. These movies paid homage to the Sci-fi films of old by showing us worlds that have not yet come but will come in the future and that's what Sci-fi is all about. Future tech, cool stuff that you wish you could get your hands on but is only available via your imagination. I remember the first time I saw the replicator in star trek and wished I had that.. Or that pimp machine handgun that Robocop had  in all his films...Of course my personal favorite the Lightsaber because who doesn't want that right. 
These above films (and others that dropped this year) reached deep down into that inner kid that sat and drooled at the Sci-fi films of old and made me have hope for the Sci-fi future. I believe we have a lot to look forward to in this genre in the years to come and cant wait to experience all the Sci-fi goodness with all of you. 

4. Next-Gen Consoles Launching

This year us gamers got a special treat. 2 New systems... This launch marked the 8th generation in gaming. With the PS4 dropping on Nov 19th and the Xbox One dropping on Nov22nd. The build up and anticipation for these systems started some time ago with rumors and patents flying around on the regular, but when we all got our first glimpse of these system and what they could do most of mouths dropped. Unless at the time of announcement you were the Xbox One....I wont go into details of the total debacle that was the 1st announcement of the X1 and its terrible DRM implemented system set the world ablaze with animated GIFs  to show who everyone thought was winning the next gen battle at the current moment.

 Microsoft has since gotten rid of the terrible ideas that once plagued this system and for once a major billion dollar company listened to the voice that was the mighty consumer (because money talks and BS walks)

I hopped on the PS4 train way before the issues were even mentioned simply due to the fact that it was cheaper 400 dollars compared to 500 and its the system I grew up with. I am not a fanboy just a guy who has a lot of mouths to feed. I will eventually get an Xbox one because " I am a gamer and I need to have every new system to feel complete" and you should too. I never understood the fanboy mind state and the rage that comes with it. Enjoy something because you enjoy something and don't hate on folks that don't like the same thing as you because that's what makes us individuals and yeah we can all be a little biased sometimes but in the realm of gaming "cant we all just get along?" ...but enough of that...back to the show.

Since then both systems have gone on to sell 2 million units in the short time they have come out and the demand is keeping both companies on their toes to meet the customers need to have these next gen controllers in their hands. The exciting thing about the news of these systems selling the way that they simply means one thing. GAMES we will get them eventually and probably faster than any of us thought we would. Most developers should see the prospect of offering new IP's to the world because hey when you have two systems that have 2-3 exclusive games between them who isn't going to take a chance on that new game that looks great and hopefully plays just as great sitting on the shelf next to call of duty 29 and 1/2. My hopes for this new generation of gaming are high from the small teasers we have seen next years games looks to make the last generation feel like super famicom and I welcome it with open arms and empty wallets. 

*If anyone wants to hook us up with an Xbox One so we can bask in its glory with you feel free to reach out to the group*

5. Almost Human And Its Amazing Greatness

This show is the best thing to happen to TV in 2013 period. The actors/actresses involved are phenomenal. The production quality is million dollar movie budget epic (Every episode I may add). This is one of those shows my wife and I refer to as "get the kids in bed" shows. You want complete and total silence and no outside interference while you watch this show because you don't want to miss a single moment or a quick quip from our protagonist John Kennex or a snarky response from his partner/android-human hybrid Dorian.

I wont spoil any plot details about the show I will just say watch it and enjoy the film like quality in every episode. A few shows can definitely take notes from Almost Human (Agents of Shield I am looking at you)
and I will continue to watch the show just to show my support. 

So if your not watching Almost Human. What is your life about?  

6. Starting the Only Nerds Can Judge Me Podcast/Blog

Now before you ask I don't know who would be the master splinter of our 5 man group and I am sure Jay and I would fight for the rights to who is Donny but currently we have no group pic of the squad. (coming soon)

This podcast was created by joking around one day in the office. We threw a few group names out their but Mikes "Only Nerds Can Judge Me" idea ran true with all of us. It had a taste of 2pac with a side of nerd and I like it. We now are in the process of working out the kinks as we go along but that is part of the fun and the process to become podcast greats. We all have something to offer in every category around the spectrum of nerd and hope to continue or journey together and with you. Look forward to our growth and development as a team. We will try our best to bring something for everyone to enjoy adding things along the way. In 2014 I hope we can bring you great reviews, news and just plain old fun from the ONCJME crew. Let us know what you think we can change and what areas we can develop. This is our baby and like an actual child we will nurture it until it grows to be a human being we can all be proud of. Hopefully some things that we can work and you all as listeners/readers can look forward to. Theme music for the podcast. Interviews with people in all industries... Smooth Mcgroove (video game acapella genius), Jessica Nigri (the cosplay queen) are hopefuls in my mind and live podcast just to name a few. 

So take our hand and walk on this journey of greatness with us. I promise we wont let you down.